Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 2144533 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #135 on: December 01, 2010, 06:48:03 pm »
Just one point!

Lootha is not a Lakota word

we use Luta for scarlet
Ska for Red
In Spirit

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #136 on: December 01, 2010, 11:18:22 pm »
I understand your concerns and the correlation they bring up Saga, and i really appreciate that you're doing your best to make people aware of what's going on. But i have to be very honest here and say that i think this is a little far-fetched. Crowther seems to believe that real Mayans support the 2012 movement (they do not, for anyone just visiting these forums). I get the impression she is becoming aware of this inaccuracy in her message, so maybe that's why she's bringing up Bernard Perona now (Drunvalo Melchizedek), as he's a proponent of the 2012 hoax (and is making millions at it, of course... his books and workshops are very lucrative). Her talk about how there would be some kind of energetic holocaust in 2012, and especially the way she behaves in her more recent shows, is indeed very scary, and it leads me to think she's suffering from some type of a psychosis (won't be much news to the forum regulars here, but just to support their viewpoints). I didn't recognize this at first because of the way she seemed to present herself at that moment; enthusiastic, sensitive and genuine. But as i explained before, that seemed to change over time, and now there's a lot more conspiracy and armageddon talk.

I'm pretty convinced however that she will never get to the point where she will start talking about such a thing. Her inner circle is not that crazy and the ' Tribe of Many Colors' is not a physical real-life cult (yet, i hope). And i think that when people who believe her message visit this forum just out of curiosity, and see us talking about worst-case-scenario speculation, they will laugh and never return.

Sorry, i'm not trying to be the leader of this topic here, and if you don't appreciate it, by all means go on with taking a look at every possibility. But may i suggest that, for the sake of visitors, we just return to facts here? Debunking her claims and tracing her lineage and stuff :)

By the way, Spandex, nice work on the tower vision stuff. I'm now trying to focus on Bernard Perona in a same way, as he seems to be Crowther's new 'evidence'.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 11:42:00 am by Crescent »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #137 on: December 02, 2010, 08:16:13 am »
As I said in my post: It may be that I am just a pessimist and affected with the cult information programs I have watched and my alarms go off easily when there is mentioning about death in those cases. I am not suggesting that Kiesha would be that crazy. :) Only saying that anything could be possible seeing what has happened in the past. Just one very pessimistic possibility which I don't really think that would happen either, but can't help making the linking with the words. Especially after watching couple of reminders from the cult stuff lately, seems that our tv stations have decided that so close to 2012 it is good to remind us about world's end cults. :) I like to think her either misguided herself or indeed having created little bit too real fantasy to herself, or even myself being totally wrong too instead of what i said. :) Interpreting the words and the message part is ofc only speculation and it's effects on me only personal experiences.

And as you see, since this sites main purpose is to debunk the exploiters and fakes, I got back in the actual subject after that and quoted the answers from previous sites again, where Salish and Cherokee say that their people don't know her, there's emails and all there too in addition to phonenumbers, to Salish/Kootenai office. Related to her lists of how many tribes recognizes her work. I am sorry to let my imagination run loose there for a while. :)

Also, she has posted this to her profile in fb:
"I am truly appalled at what has been written about me and family members on the fraud site and am ready to take any and all legal means necessary to stop these blatant lies and allegations. I can handle being made fun of but this has gone to far!"
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 09:47:18 am by Saga »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #138 on: December 02, 2010, 09:05:35 am »
Also, she has posted this to her profile in fb:
"I am truly appalled at what has been written about me and family members on the fraud site and am ready to take any and all legal means necessary to stop these blatant lies and allegations. I can handle being made fun of but this has gone to far!"

That would be interesting!

She would have to provide evidence in court that the claims she professes about herself and her credentials are all true and she isn't making anything up. That's what we want her to do! lol.

- Spandex

edited addition 16 dec 2010:
Important, please read:
I'm sorry Kiesha. I grew up on the Flathead reserve. All of my family are scattered every where there. I have them from Arlee all the way to Polson, going east to west, and no one knows of you. I have spoken with tribal elders who have no idea who you are. At pow wow, I asked around to see if you were made a shaman over our reserve and our people. I had people laugh in my face...............(click quote link to read in full)

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 05:41:19 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #139 on: December 02, 2010, 09:19:44 am »
It would be so easy to just tell the names and show the proof, if being what she say she is. :)

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #140 on: December 02, 2010, 10:00:33 am »
It would be so easy to just tell the names and show the proof, if being what she say she is. :)

^ THIS ^

Why would she need to take legal action if she is for real? I think she's starting to realize how valid the points we're bringing up here are. "Changing the channel" is obviously no working for her and her Tribe.

By the way, there is also a thread on a forum called Godlikeproductions where people are debunking her. A pretty 'wild' forum, but the people there are aware of NAFPS.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 10:59:10 am by Crescent »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #141 on: December 02, 2010, 10:33:10 am »
Oh btw, I read one of the urgent messages again from her site: "Not only has Kiesha been recognized by her family’s tribe as a shaman; in addition, she has been recognized as shaman of the “Tribe of Many Colors” by the spiritual elders of many indigenous tribes and peoples including the Cherokee, the Cheyenne, the Hopi, the Inuit, the Aboriginal people, the Waitaha, the Maori, the Maya, the Zulu, as well as the lamas of Nepal and Tibet. Gifts and medicine from these peoples began coming soon after she was initiated as shaman at age 30 and have been coming ever since. These peoples regard her as the incarnation of something very important—which Keisha has never wanted to make public or to give weight to."...
(EDIT: I mean this site: which unfortunately makes me want to believe the stuff said there still and start to defense her with "but that text even says it that she is not claiming to use the traditional teachings" altho I still realise that she still "sells" the message with claiming to be recognized by the indigenous people, no matter where the message comes from and how traditional it is)

Anyway, I wrote to salish office (hopefully in the right place too :p) and asked about her, altho I feel really stupid about doing so. I just want to set the records straight from my behalf at least, so that I don't have to doubt things anymore (since no one else probably believes the answer if I tell them it, when/if I get any and it is proving all in here right). Official answer is sometimes needed when getting confused, altho I more or less trust the people that have said that they have asked around in their tribes and no one knows her...
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 10:40:36 am by Saga »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #142 on: December 02, 2010, 11:51:07 am »
By the way, there is also a thread on a forum called Godlikeproductions where people are debunking her. A pretty 'wild' forum, but the people there are aware of NAFPS.

I read some of it, this was interesting post: "I really get a kick out of the person who thinks he is reincarnated Native American, Native Americans don't even believe in reincarnation, why doesn't she just say she is a new Age person here to tell her followers a message of hope and love, why tell them something that someone will prove is a lie, then she will be labeled as a fraud, I live in Hawaii and on her site she says she came to Maui and the kahuna's have had a prophecy of a blond girl coming to their land and finding the crystals , or something this blond girl was suppose to do, anyway I have never heard of such a thing . The Hawaiians wouldnt have any thing to do with white people in there old ways, and crystals are not found over here in Hawaii, lots of lava rock but no crystal, so what power would a crystal have here?But look guy how can you even talk like you know anything when you have no blood or have lived with the real Native Americans? reincarnated American Indian, what down right bull, you know how much of a fool you sound like? and anyone can sit and talk about Mother Earth dying, we all know that, Always dig into someones past before you follow someone blindly, and yes why ask for money to spread love to Mother Earth, cant she have a job and still spread the word? Sounds like a New Age cult, and thats OK but dont say you are something your not"

I read a while ago that lots of the Hawaiian "kahunas" are fakes too and kind of a "tourist attraction" and ofc selling the spirituality there...

Anyway, it is interesting how people think that they can just swim through the life without getting caught with the lies they left behind...

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #143 on: December 02, 2010, 12:46:26 pm »
Thanks Crescent, yeah, Bernard Piranah Perona is a real piece of work!

I think it's a good idea to put transcripts of Kiesha's actual words here so that they will go on record and be easier to study for anyone searching for this information on the internet. Nothing matches actually experiencing it first hand though. This stuff is magnificently designed to inculcate followers.
Kiesha speaks on 2012[b/]
by kedarvideo
It is also featured on Kiesha's site:

(Below is a complete transcript of video above, which is an edited compilation of parts of her talk in Zurich in early November 2010 when Kiesha Crowther spoke about 2012, the expected pole shift and how people should prepare themselves.)

"We live in a magical time. The most amazing time on planet Earth to ever be. She is going to be reborn into her full glory. Her heavenly self. The change has allready started and we have the opportunity to enlighten with her.  We literally have two years to change the way we are. There are thousands of books about two thousand and twelve out there, and we learned so many different things, but do you know the Mayan people, the only people who have lived through a pole shift before, have only started talking a couple of months ago, and they are saying "Do not have fear. Rejoice inside of your hearts because it is going to be beautiful."   We have an opportunity to go foreward in humanity, becoming enlightened. And when you are enlightened all things make sense, and you live from the heart. Do you know now that we use less than a third of our brains? Very soon we will be gifted all of that. The things we fear now is just because we do not understand it....but when you become enlightened, all things fall together, and there is nothing to fear. Grandfather Alejandro, the grandfather of all Mayan people says "the very walls we see falling around us are only the walls that kept us in prison, and we should be excited and rejoice and be happy to step out." That which you give your energy and your emotion to becomes your reality. It is every humans gift.  Whatever you give your emotion to becomes reality for you. In the next couple of years many things are going to change. We can stay in fear because we do not know what is coming, and you will live in fear, but if you stay in your heart and you are excited for what is coming, then you will live in joy. Again, there is nothing to fear. If you knew tomorrow the whole world would change for something much more beautiful, would you be afraid? Heaven on Earth is coming, and we can live on Heaven. It is our choice. If you stay in your heart and be love, you will enlighten and go with Mother Earth to something higher. It is said by the Mayan people, who have lived through a pole change before, that the full change only happens within several minutes, it's very fast, but there will be a couple of days of full darkness, and it is at this time that it is very important for us to stay in the heart. Gather your families and just be 'in' love and stay calm. Do not give over to fear. It's all going to be ok. And when the Sun rises again you will see a new Earth, and everything will make sense. We will become enlightened. We will move foreward in a new humanity, one that is ruled by love. Many people do not understand how the world will shift, and it brings us alot of fear wondering if there will be mass destruction. There will be some natural disasters, but when have humanity not lived through natural disaster. It happens all the time. Planet Earth has a very hard centre, and around the planet is hot lava, much like a ball bearing with grease around it. And the crust of the Earth sits on top of that 'grease' or that lava. And when the poles change 'everything' will not move. The centre will hold strong and the crust of the Earth will simply move. It's not going to be as tragic as we all think. Mother will stretch and move and fall into her perfect state. And Heaven will truly be here. And we will see and live in that state as well. The shift has allready begun. The poles are allready starting to move. A large ammount of energies are coming to planet Earth. Because I can see energy I can see when the energies come. Our science can take readings of how much energy is in the Earth, and do you know in the last year it has more than tripled. Large ammount of energies are coming to planet Earth, and they are coming in short intervals to give us time to digest these new energies. Some of us are feeling the, the side-affects of these new energies coming. Our bodies are simply trying to work through these new energies that are coming, and we are digesting them. When the big shift happens a ton of Energy will come to planet Earth, and if we were not given little bits at a time to get used to it our human bodies would die. But it is true it is allready started. Mother Earth and the human bodies now have more energy vibrating in them than ever before. Too many of us on planet Earth think 'well this is a story that the indiginous have been saying for a long time, but we do not realise it is really happening now! The world is changing. Our bodies are changing. Our DNA structure is actually changing. It is real. We will experience this shift. We are the ones who will be alive during the change and it really is up to us to change the way we live. If we do not change and stay living from the mind and ego we will be removed, because we are killing Mother Earth. It is a Universal Law that Mother Earth will go on, but it is up to us wether we go with her or not. All we are asked to do is be Love. That is it. It is so easy. And your soul will always lead you in the right direction. Always."

The video is well put together. The inspirational music, singing, and paradisaical artwork, together with Kiesha's soft dulcet tones, achieve an almost hypnotic effect that will no doubt inspire believers to stay 'in Love' when the great shift occurs and the people living in fear are cleansed from the Earth-Heaven destined for the 'enlightened' souls.

The fuller version of the Zurich workshop:
Kiesha in Zurich
by kedarvideo

 A version is also featured on Kiesha's site:
0 Kiesha in Zurich part 1
Here are some excerpts:

At 1:38 minutes:seconds:
" My name is Kiesha Crowther and I come from a very very small town in Collorado"
At 2:52:
"...but when I turned 30 I recieved a phonecall from the Indiginous tribes of North America, and an Elder told me they knew I was being taught by the other side since a very young age. And they told me it was time for me to become the one to be called Little Grandmother and become a shaman and a wisdom-teacher, and that there were others just like me. There were eleven others, wisdom keepers who were just like me recieving the same messages and we had a very important role to play on Planet Earth.................I am here to teach you about the lessons I was taught, from the other side, from Mother Earth, and from my Indigenous Elders, The Continental Council of Indiginous Elders."
At 5:30:
"...........these peoples prophecies for hundreds of years have been talking about a time on our planet when the poles would shift again, and now it is upon us........for hundreds and hundreds of years the prophecies from indigenous tribal people have been saying "a time would come when Mother Earth would shift and be reborn into her Heaven...(video edit/cut)...and at this time, the people living on planet Earth would have to switch from living a mind-consciousness into a heart-consciousness if they wish to 'enlighten' during this shift...(video edit/cut)...they spoke of a people who would come to the planet, the strongest of the strong of all souls and all spirits to arrive...(cut)...and these people would shift the consciousness from mind-consciousness into heart-consciousness, and change the world...(cut)...and these people would be called 'The Tribe of Many Colours'...(cut)...and we are The Tribe of Many Colours...(cut) is us that they were talking about...(video edit/cut)...we are the ones we have been waiting for...(cut)...the pole shift is happening, it is not going to happen, it has allready begun...(cut) is no longer a story the Elders are saying will happen, they are saying it Is happening ...(cut).....due north is no longer due north. It is changing all over the planet...(cut)... and the poles will not stop shifting until it is completely shifted....(cut)... "
"...the ozone layer Is dissappearing. The planets temperature has risen in 2 degrees. ...(cut)... although 2 degrees does not affect the human body it affects wildlife immensely..." (goes on to explain while tears come to her eyes how everything is going wrong in many ways and how the sea life is dying in great ammounts)
(about the gulf oil spill):"....underneath where it spilled ...(cut)... is a chamber larger than Mt.Everest ...(cut)... full of oil and toxic gas ...(cut)... that is large enough to split North America in two ...(video edit/cut)... even if the smallest ammount of gas leaks out...(cut)... it will kill life in 20 miles inward of land automatically ...(cut)...and that's just if the smallest ammount leaks out...(cut)..."
" is a Universal Law that Mother Earth is sacred to all beings ...(cut)...and it is a Universal Law that Mother Earth will go on ...(cut)...but that humanity will be removed before we kill her ...(cut)...and so now we realise how important the next couple of years are ...(cut)...the poles are allready shifting...(cut)...she will be reborn ...(cut)...but if we wish to go with her we must start living from the heart...(cut)...the more loving you are, the more intelligent you become...(cut) is our only chance...(cut)...this is not a story, this is really happening, this is real...(cut) many of us are going throughout our days not even being aware of what is happening...(cut)...but this is happening...(cut)..."
"instead of living in fear...(cut)...what the grandfathers are telling us is is to start living from the heart...(cut)...because the more loving you are, the more intelligent you become...(cut)...if we start being love...(cut)...we get the answers of how to save our planet, and we get to stay...(cut)...if we do not, our children will not have a future...(cut)...this really Is our situation...(cut)..."
"you were chose...(cut)...because it is said that we are the strongest of the strong souls ever to be on planet Earth...(cut)..."....etc etc

The disjointed video edits increase in frequency and visual dissonance, especially with the introduction of quick transition effects. (creating cognitive dissonance is a technique used to induce suggestability)Together with the photo flashes and the monotone speech, intense repetition , etc, it all adds to a very hypnotic state inducing piece of work, imo. This is so obvious to me that I believe it's too much of a stretch of the imagination to believe it is accidental or unintentional.
In my inexpert laymans opinion, this is a cult-style brainwashing video, unintentional or not.

Kiesha seems to be confusing magnetic shift with crustal shift.
For a more accurate view of 'pole shifts':
Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis:
Mayans Say World WONT End in 2012:

I find this 'enlightening':
"...but when I turned 30 I recieved a phonecall from the Indiginous tribes of North America, and an Elder told me they knew I was being taught by the other side since a very young age. And they told me it was time for me to become the one to be called Little Grandmother and become a shaman and a wisdom-teacher, and that there were others just like me. There were eleven others, wisdom keepers who were just like me recieving the same messages and we had a very important role to play on Planet Earth.................I am here to teach you about the lessons I was taught, from the other side, from Mother Earth, and from my Indigenous Elders, The Continental Council of Indiginous Elders."

She seems to be saying that the elder that contacted her and convinced her that she had this calling was one of the Continental Council of Indiginous Elders.

I may be wrong, but to me she gives the impression that she believes alot of the stuff she is saying in her talks, whatever her other motivations are. It's almost as if she has been indocrinated in a variety of topics which are popular in the new-age scene, but hasn't actually taken the time to check out the information properly for herself, and is willing to pass on what she has been told without critical thinking, working from the heart and simply trusting her mentors/elders/felow wisdom-keepers(who remain veiled in secrecy).

One of the influences in her life is Bernard Perona (aka Drunvalo Melchizedek) who she calls 'brother'. I've watched some of his video presentations, and have to say that to anyone who leans toward the nuage reality script who is trusting and working from the heart without critical thinking faculties switched full on, he could be very convincing. He holds 'Living in the Heart' workshops, which is the almost exact phrase used by Kiesha when she repeatedly advises us to 'Live from the Heart'. Is this just a coincidence?

Just to reiterate, Drunvalo Melchizedek is a long-time ICA supporter and associate of Adam DeArmon (aka Adam  Yellowbird). Adam is president of The Institute For Cultural Awareness and member of The Continental Council Of Indigenous Elders ( in her own words, 'her' Elders and teachers). He created “The Return Of the Ancestors Gathering”
Kiesha's video 'The Return of the Ancestors' is in keeping with the nuage doctrine they promote.
It's almost as if these guys found a willing puppet to promote their paradigm (which includes getting people to pay alot of money for their services).

There is no better puppet/spokesperson/salesperson than one who can be convinced what they are saying is all true. This type of puppet, by 'speaking from the heart' can easily fool people who are just using their hearts to sense if there is any decietful intent, because there isn't any.
So what I'm proposing is the possibility that Kiesha might have been unwittingly indocrinated into the role she is now playing, and could actually believe it is all true.

Maybe she doesn't realise that just because people say it's true doesn't make it so, especialy where there are cracks in the story and they insist you rely on your heart alone and not use your mind-consciousness. Just because people hold meetings on the astral plane or whatever you want to call it, doesn't make what they present true, any more than watching a well scripted movie is necessarily true. The idea that the Heart never lies is misleading. Some peoples hearts are full of darkness and illusions, and they can turn on the appropriate emotions at will, just like a good actor. Some spirits are tricksters.

If she isn't afraid of the message, and has taken the message she relays to us into her heart and made it real :
"Do not have fear. Rejoice inside of your hearts because it is going to be beautiful."
........then why is she so sad when she speaks of the shift, almost to the point of tears when she gives the impassioned plea, "...if we start being love...(cut)...we get the answers of how to save our planet, and we get to stay...(cut)...if we do not, our children will not have a future...(cut)...this really Is our situation...(cut)..."
Instead, we see someone who looks upset, and fearful about a future she sees where many people will literally be destroyed because they don't 'fit the vibration' of the new Heaven on Earth. This is like the emotional conflict of someone who has been indocrinated into a cult which promises salvation, only to find that it also predicts death for many of the ones they love, just because they don't 'get it'.

If this is the case, we know what she is going through, and the sooner she distances herself from her 'masters' the better.

I just like to give people some benefit of the doubt.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 01:10:08 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #144 on: December 02, 2010, 01:13:27 pm »
That is possibility for sure, that she is being a puppet and will have the same not so comfortable fate of starting to doubt everything when she realizes it...

I am just hoping to get the answer to my post as soon as possible so I can have the answer in the most crucial question of how much of a fake her created role is. Most of the message in the form it is now, is bs to me anyway now...

So people in the forum, how does it feel to be puppets of the "dark side"? I just read from the posts of the followers that we are those. Following the agenda of "dark ones" to most definately break the world in pieces or something...

For me it was of course way more darker experience to find out that the shiny things that were talked about were not gold after all tho, and now i have to start digging the REAL gold again after noticing that someone has filled up the hole I already managed to dig in the ground to reveal truths, integrity and positive thinking before I had ever heard of Kiesha Crowther...

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #145 on: December 02, 2010, 01:30:37 pm »
So people in the forum, how does it feel to be puppets of the "dark side"? I just read from the posts of the followers that we are those. Following the agenda of "dark ones" to most definately break the world in pieces or something...

It feels like this:

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #146 on: December 02, 2010, 05:13:30 pm »
There's one thing i want to make clear though; there is just one of the 'conspiracies' Crowther is talking about which is not far-fetched, it seems to be very real.

This is the reason why i don't buy from 9 out of 10 big food corporations. They really seem to want to put a stop to cultivating organic foods and naturally harvesting seeds in the US, amongst other things.

I think nothing can be more dangerous than giving away your freedom to decide what to eat. The notion that natural, self-cultivated, organic food is more dangerous than unstable genetically modified crops, which get covered with gallons of Round-Up and have to be genetically twisted around even more every 5 years to withstand even more poison, because the plant-diseases and insects can build up a resistance to this poison in such a short time, a poison which is a direct descendant from Agent Orange (both were/are made by Monsanto)... are you kidding me.

Sounds too far-fetched to be true? Like i said before, watch the documentary Food, Inc (truly, a must see):

EDIT: apparently a decision was made to put a stop to this madness. Doesn't mean that we don't have to watch for these kind of things in the future though...

Ok, well now that that's clear, lol... let's continue focusing on Crowther.

Thanks for providing another excellent post Spandex, crazy stuff. You're right about the cognitive dissonance... that's what i was trying to convey as well, but i struggled to find the words.

There is no better puppet/spokesperson/salesperson than one who can be convinced what they are saying is all true. This type of puppet, by 'speaking from the heart' can easily fool people who are just using their hearts to sense if there is any decietful intent, because there isn't any.
So what I'm proposing is the possibility that Kiesha might have been unwittingly indocrinated into the role she is now playing, and could actually believe it is all true.

Maybe she doesn't realise that just because people say it's true doesn't make it so, especialy where there are cracks in the story and they insist you rely on your heart alone and not use your mind-consciousness. Just because people hold meetings on the astral plane or whatever you want to call it, doesn't make what they present true, any more than watching a well scripted movie is necessarily true. The idea that the Heart never lies is misleading. Some peoples hearts are full of darkness and illusions, and they can turn on the appropriate emotions at will, just like a good actor. Some spirits are tricksters.

This is just about exactly my view as well. Don't think she's really out to make money, though she is out to get as many followers as possible of course. I do think she could be very good at misleading people, knowing just what to say to get people behind her, and appearing innocent. A survival mechanism from her youth, if her talk about her difficult childhood is real (seems plausible to me). And like i've said before, about the phone call she received from the 'Continental Council of Ingenious Exploiters Indigenous Elders', people of which i'm 99% certain she has been in contact with them before, as she does not specifically state that the phone call came out of nowhere... If it would have, i think she would bring it up every single time she talks about how her shaman adventure started, that's just how she is. She just wanted to believe it so much, that she simply seems to have washed her discernment down the drain.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 12:58:56 am by Crescent »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #147 on: December 02, 2010, 07:01:57 pm »
"I think one of the best ways we can support and make Kiesha stronger in this moment of "blatant lies and allegations" is to donate as much money as we can ,so she can hire a lawyer to take emmidiate action to put this slander to a STOP..."


So no followers?

I think I want to go now and quietly throw up, this all is too much for me. Call me after 2012. :p
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 07:12:29 pm by Saga »

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #148 on: December 02, 2010, 09:40:44 pm »

I think it's a good idea to put transcripts of Kiesha's actual words here so that they will go on record and be easier to study for anyone searching for this information on the internet. Nothing matches actually experiencing it first hand though. This stuff is magnificently designed to inculcate followers.

Something to consider in addition to posting transcripts and links is to use a site like FreezePage in order to have timestamped unalterable copies of webpages.   Here is a link to their FAQ page which explains how the service works.  There is no cost.

Too often a website will be modified invalidating evidence of what had been posted or written.  In the event of lawsuits or requests to provide proof, being able to pull a file from FreezePage will be enough to have the accuser back down.

We can have all sorts of information posted here which we say came from her site, but she can easily go in and delete it, remove/modify URLs to make them break, then claim it is being made up to libel her.

Just a thought.

Offline jjflash

  • Posts: 1
Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #149 on: December 03, 2010, 12:45:35 am »
Something to consider in addition to posting transcripts and links is to use a site like FreezePage in order to have timestamped unalterable copies of webpages.   Here is a link to their FAQ page which explains how the service works.  There is no cost.

Thank you for posting that info, ShadowDancer. It is indeed interesting and potentially useful for any number of situations.