Author Topic: Danny "Many Horses" Rael  (Read 28400 times)

Offline A Friend

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Re: Danny "Many Horses" Rael
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2008, 04:51:52 pm »
I have known Danny for a decade and attended many of his performances.  There are many opinions and comments being offered for the world to read as fact-however, the writers of these so-called truths have never obviously attended even one performance.  Danny has never stated that he is full-blooded Apache, (find someone of any heritage that is full-blooded these days), he does have Apache heritage as his step-sister has shown in this forum.  He has never stated he was a chief, shaman or medicine man, he very clearly states at his performances that he is a flute player, a storyteller, and a messenger of PEACE.  His purpose is to share his experiences, heritage and music with the people, to enlighten others that though are skin color is different, we are all related to one another by the only race, "The Human Race", a message of tolerance, love and respect for ourselves and each other.  Danny has given many hours of his time and talents to benefits, performances and educational programs- to raise money for others. One of the writers in this forum offers they want proof - read a newspaper! There are countless articles written about his charitable contributions to his community and the education of the people.  I believe in forums that keep a watchful eye on persons who represent themselves in an untruthful way. Danny is not one of those people, he is very humble and would not intentionally hurt others, he would be the first to apologize if he offended someone. Many of the postings seem to be a personal, spiteful, melicious attack on his character not the watchful eye of someone trying to expose an imposter.  Danny wants to enlighten, the world has too long held misconceptions of the native race and wants to help dispell the negative images that are so often placed on a person of any color.  Intolerance of one another and racism are so damaging to our world- knowledge is POWER.  Fear is the driving force for such hatred, so let's all become enlightened, learn about the things, people and cultures that cause these fears.  We are all different, that diversity is what gives our world such a fasinating appeal-so let's explore and embrace our diversity. That IS DANNY'S message...not one of deception for personal gain, but one of HOPE that we can all come together as one people,"The Human Race", a race of Love, tolerance and understanding of one another.  I send blesings of Light, Love, Peace and Understanding to all who read this. Thank you !

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Danny "Many Horses" Rael
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2008, 07:35:00 pm »
Welcome to the forum, Friend. How about introducing yourself so we know who we're speaking to?

Offline truthseeker

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Re: Danny "Many Horses" Rael
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2008, 07:59:05 pm »
These are very nice words that you have written and Danny Rael is fortunate to have you as a friend. I am one writer who has witnessed his performances and heard the words he speaks and they are not as truthful as you believe. You say that he is not a person who represents himself in an untruthful way. I ask you then for substantiation of claims that he himself made during his public performances; claims that he played at the White House on three separate occasions, claims that he was a keynote speaker at two world peace conferences and claims that he had private audience with Pope John Paul.  I can tell you that there is no substantiation for these claims as they are pure fabrications invented by him in an effort to bolster his own ego and deceive the public. And do you really trust that because something is printed in a newspaper that it is unequivocal proof?

Offline A Friend

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Re: Danny "Many Horses" Rael
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2008, 11:54:33 pm »
well Truthseeker; I have personally seen the pictures of Danny with three presidents and his note from John Paul II- I am not going to battle anyone who seems to have a private vendetta! Is it Danny you are angry with ? or perhaps you don"t like native americans ? or maybe men ?  Your screen name is Truth seeker, well TRUTH begins in the mirror !  I challenge you to put you real identity on the internet for world criticism, what would your family, co-workers or neighbors say about you?   Danny put himself out in front of the world-that takes courage, we all have flaws and there are always people looking to point fingers and say negative things.  Danny put himself out in front of the world with a message of peace and tolerance to help make the world a better place.  If even one person -out of the tens of thousands that have heard his music or his words has LOOKED in the mirror and changed his or her attitude and chosen a new path of love, acceptance and tolerance...well then he has been successful !!! He helped change the world for the better. You change the world one person at a start with yourself-then edify and encourage others...if one person makes that positive change...and then shares it with others and they change ...think what a wonderful chain of positive events can occur.  Danny has influenced my life in a very positive and constuctive way.  There are many others I have met at Danny"s performances who have shared the blessings they have received through his music, words and just being the wonderful person he is and the way he has chosen to share his life with others.  There are countless others that I am sure will soon be coming to this forum to share the wonderful way Danny has influenced their lives.  But, none of that is necessary because the TRUTH always does come out...Danny IS loved by many people, of many nationalities and the love he has given-and received in return will always remain untainted by negative words or attacks. Love is the strongest force in the universe that is FACT. And love is what Danny shares, Love is his message, Love is the way he lives his life. I encourage anyone reading this to look in the mirror, chose today to love yourself.  Chose to love your creator, by what ever name you call him or her. Chose to love others as you love yourself. If you truely love yourself then you will never hurt or disrespect others, because this would disrespect you-why would you disrespect someone you love?  I wish all the readers of this forum Light, Love and many blessings.  IF YOU RADIATE LOVE OUT TO THE WORLD-THEN LOVE WILL RETURN BACK TO YOU...LOVE IS NOT A FEELING IT IS AN ACT OF YOUR WILL...CHOOSE LOVE..NOT ANGER AND HATE. IF HUMANS ARE TO CONTINUE TO BE A SPECIES ON THIS PLANET THEN WAR, HATE, INTOLERANCE ARE NOT AN OPTION. THERE IS ONLY LOVE..TRULY THE MOST POSITIVE FORCE ANYWHERE.   THANK YOU

Offline truthseeker

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Re: Danny "Many Horses" Rael
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2008, 12:13:56 am »
Yes, you are right, the truth does always come out.

Why would you assume I am a non-native woman?

Thank you for your blessings.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Danny "Many Horses" Rael
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2008, 02:52:54 am »
I ask that everyone avoid personal comments or long lecutures about character, tolerance, etc, that are really beside the point. Stick to the topic and avoid being self righteous.

Both TS and Friend have personal stakes and knowledge of the person. They should both introduce themselves, or if there is any reason not to state just who they are, email a moderator and say why.