Author Topic: PURPOSE OF THIS GROUP: All New People Must Read  (Read 71078 times)

Offline 180IQ

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PURPOSE OF THIS GROUP: All New People Must Read
« on: October 25, 2004, 10:08:47 pm »
PURPOSE OF THIS GROUP: All New People Must Read

New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans or NAFPS is an activist group of Native people and our supporters. We began NAFPS five years ago as a Yahoo club/group and went through a lot together, at least eight unsuccessful attempts to shut us down, empty threats of lawsuits, stalkers, identity thieves, libel campaigns, and even death threats. We have emerged from it all relatively unscathed and more determined than ever to continue our work.

Ths group and forum is for those concerned about the fraud, deceit, money hunger, sexual abuse, racism, control, hunger for power and ego, and cult-like tendencies of the New Age movement and pseudo "shamans." We investigate and seek to warn the public about impostors and exploiters posing as Native medicine people or elders. There are more than two hundred impostors out there posing as Cherokee medicine people alone. Multiply that by five hundred Native nations in the US, and add on the exploiters who abuse or lie about practices of Latin America's Indians, and you get an idea of the sheer, massive scope of the problem.


1) We are not a "hate" group, any more than a rape crisis center promotes "hate" of men. This is one of the more ridiculous knee-jerk claims thrown at us. Many Nuage frauds are themselves blatantly racist in their contempt for Native people, beliefs, and wishes on these issues.

If anything we are an ANTI-hate group, a HateWatch group specializing in monitoring and warning the public about a special brand of racist, the Nuage fraud or pseudo-shaman leader.

Frankly, most of us in here *don't really care* what the blood quantum, enrollment status, or family history of anyone in here are.

The only time we would care was if someone had lied in order to "pass" or appear "more Indian" to justify their misbehavior.

We accept all kinds of people in here: Native, white, black, Latino, Maori, traditionalist, Christian, pagan, atheist, Muslim, etc.  

We have members from an amazing variety of tribal backgrounds, Anishinaabe, Apache, Cherokee, Choctaw, Lakota, Lenni Lenape, Menominee, Munsee, Navajo, O'odham, and many others.

We gladly accept help from all good people of conscience, because without them we can't stop these frauds. And without them, we wouldn't have had nearly as much success against frauds as we have.

What NAFPS Does, & How We Are Different From Nuage Frauds
1) No one at NAFPS has ever sold ceremonies, workshops, seminars, healings, readings, "asteroid avoidance courses" (yes, some frauds actually do), or anything else like that.

2) No one at NAFPS ever claimed to be a medicine man, elder, healer, wiseman, "don", "ascended master", "avatar", holy man, or anything else that frauds claim to be.

3) No one at NAFPS ever claimed to be descended from Geronimo, Chief Joseph, Black Elk, etc.

4) No one at NAFPS ever claimed to have "channeled" or be the "reincarnation" of those same famous people.

5) No one at NAFPS ever told the gullible, vulnerable, and desperate that they had to put out to take part in a made up ceremony, give head, be sodomized, whipped, and even pay to be sexually abused. No one at NAFPS ever molested children as part of their roles as alleged "great leaders".

6) No one at NAFPS has ever lied or deceived for a living.

7) No one at NAFPS has ever formed a cult around themselves.

8) No one at NAFPS has ever threatened lawsuits at anyone that disagreed with them.

9) No one at NAFPS has ever tried to isolate the people who listen to them from other people, often breaking up families in the process.

10) No one at NAFPS has ever regarded spirituality selling and pay to pray as an acceptable way to make a buck. (Often tens or even hundreds of thousands of them.)

We at NAFPS make no claim to perfection. But...

1) We do research the information we put out.

2) We seek to *prevent* harm to people, not cause harm.

Except to frauds, who we merely wish to bankrupt, drive out of business, or see thrown in jail for some of the worst abuses.

3) That means we take great care with our warnings and pronouncements.

We *do* retract or alter them if new information comes out, or if we inadvertently harm people.

4) We feel free to disagree among ourselves. That much should be obvious.

No one is punished for simple dissent. In more than four years, we've only kicked out perhaps half a dozen people, and in each case after they'd severely disrupted the group for weeks at a time.

5) And this gets down to the final point, again worth repeating:

We are not a "hate" group, but are about as ANTI racist as can be.

Frankly, most of us in here *don't really care* what the blood quantum, enrollment status, or family history of anyone in here are.

The only time we would care was if someone had lied in order to "pass" or appear "more Indian" to justify their misbehavior.

We accept all kinds of people in here. We gladly accept help from all good people of conscience, because without them we can't stop these frauds. And without them, we wouldn't have had nearly as much success against frauds as we have.

Welcome to NAFPS. Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: PURPOSE OF THIS GROUP: All New People Must Read
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2018, 07:23:01 pm »
I am bumping this thread and adding two things.

1) In the list of points that begins, "No one at NAFPS has ever.... sold ceremonies, workshops, seminars ...." etc, we are talking about Members in good standing - the working members of this forum and our in-person networks - who through their actions over the years have earned the trust of our community.

By "we at NAFPS" we are not talking about any rando who clicks "join" and comes here to comment. We have an open policy here, and generally let anyone come and speak for themselves. People who get too abusive are banned, but pretty much anyone is allowed to at least sign in and say their piece. That is not the same as being a forum member in good standing. I felt this needed to be said because a number of frauds have joined the forum (we've assumed to respond to the threads about them), and then never posted. There have also been some instances where people have joined here, posted a lot, and then been found to not be who they said they were. It's unfortunate, but it happens.

2) This is not a general forum about Native issues, and it is most definitely not a place for non-Natives to promote colonial misinterpretations, or whitesplaining, of Native issues. While this forum continues to be open to all people, there have also been some problems with nons repeatedly posting mainstream, white, inaccurate news articles about random Native topics. While some of this may be done with good intentions, it is still colonial behavior. Either way, these random articles are off-topic for this board. Just because it mentions Indians doesn't mean it belongs here. Just because nons are allowed to post here doesn't mean this is a board for 101 education on all things Native.

To reiterate - this is a working group for the defense of culture and protection of ceremony, not for general Native issues. Nor is it a place for random virtue-signalling. And it is not a networking site to try to find loopholes to allow misappropriation of Native cultures and ceremony. This is a working board, for ending cultural abuse and exploitation.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 07:32:50 pm by Defend the Sacred »