Author Topic: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"  (Read 54803 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #45 on: May 22, 2006, 05:00:34 pm »
The latest, from a new member of the NAFPS yahoo group who should be here soon hopefully.

Hello everybody,
I'm ofcourse new here tonight and I hate to come right off the bat
with this but, this is one of the reasons that I've joined this
group. First off, my name is Ann Lamberth (McKitric) and I live in
Kentucky. I've had some experience with someone near where I live
and am seeking justice. I'm adding it as an attachment to this short
introduction. Hope everyone is having a good day.

                                                Wednesday, May 17, 2006

To Whom It May Concern:
I have something that I feel needs addressing. As both a citizen of
Kentucky and a Cherokee, it is very important that I try to shed
some light on some things which are going on in one part of our
state. I am trying to contact your newspaper and others, which are
local to the area of my concerns. There's a group called the
Cherokees of Kentucky Chickamauga (CKYC) formerly known as the
United Free Cherokee Nation, whose Department of Tribal Affairs is
based and ran from Burnside. This is also the root of a Yahoo group
online. According to some sources, Jerry Edwards has recently
changed the name of his group to the Chickamauga-Wazhazhe. He has
also stated that if he gets in any kind of trouble with the
authorities here in Kentucky, that he will pack up and move to
Alabama. As of now, he is claiming to be Cherokee and of course he
is nothing more than a white man who is turning a scam.
I have reason to believe that I should warn all people that there
are, and could eventually be, people affected by the negative
actions of this man. So, this is a warning!  This man had supposedly
scheduled an interview with his local newspaper and had canceled
interviews on several occasions. This person also has a police
record and had spent some time in prison.
First of all, I should give a little history on this person. His
name is Jerry Ray Edwards, although he uses the title "Uku
Yonv"(uku, meaning chief in the Cherokee language), and considers
himself a priest/spiritual leader. He was born in McCreary County
and raised in Somerset, I believe. He has bipolar illness and is
without medication. If that gives you any idea on his state of mind.
He has stated that his is the "All Knowing" and that he has been
abducted by aliens and has deities within guiding him. He is, number
one, mentally ill and is misleading many people who live in
Kentucky, as well as, other states. This person has and is still,
misusing funds, which have been donated. He's already gained a not
for profit and is fraudulent in that aspect as well.
This isn't an attempt to get back at someone who has angered me.
It's quite the opposite really. I have the concern of many in mind
Jerry Edwards has been investigated before, for fraud, online. His
picture, with warnings, is currently being circulated there. I'm not
sure what else to do but, report him. Luckily, I got out of this
group once I noticed his behavior. Though there are many, with whom
I'd become acquainted, which are not aware of what's going on. Most
of the people, as with many online groups, are in some fashion,
unstable to some extent and look to him for stability. His ideas and
actions leave me, giving comparison to the "Waco" incident. An
example to that is his wanting to put up barriers around the land
upon which the citizens of this tribe are to reside. Keep in mind
that there are to be no husbands, children nor grandchildren allowed
to live upon this land. That doesn't mean that the men who will live
there cannot have their wives living there.
There are some that have left the group or have been thrown out, so
to speak. But, there are still so many that are susceptible. And
there's the matter of drug usage and the selling of drugs, welfare
fraud and so much more being done by this man. He is growing
psycodelic mushrooms inside his home and has been selling them. He
is also purchasing, by land contract, 80 acres of land at Little
South Fork, which is supposed to be "tribal land", and is paying for
it with donations from citizens, yahoo group members and folks who
try to get into this CKYC.
It is important that this matter be investigated and that this man
is stopped by the authorities, as well as the media. It is my
intention to make reports to all those that should be notified. I do
have some proof to what I've written here and I pray that this
isn't "one of those things" that is put into a stack of papers
marked "forgotten".
Thank you so much for your time. I pray that you can help me protect
others and bring this man to justice. I'm also attaching a picture
of Jerry Edwards aka Uku Yonv.

                                 Sincerely, Mary Anna McKitric

A list of other places of which I'm sending this letter (either via
email or postal) or by telephone, the following:

1. Commonwealth Journal – Ken Shmidheiser, Editor
2. McCreary County Record – Janie Slaven, Staff Reporter
3. The Lexington Herald Leader
4. Kentucky State Police
5. Pulaski County Sheriff's Department
6. McCreary County Sheriff's Department
7. Office of the Inspector General
8. Commonwealth of Kentucky – Cabinet for Health and Family Services
9. Social Security Administration
10. Omsbudsman
11. Native Voices Radio
12. Cherokee Nation (Online Group)
13. Tsalagi Language (Online Group)
14. Cherokee Tradition (Online Group)
15. Cherokee Talk (Online Group)
16. Native Internet Users
17. Cherokee Phoenix Newspaper
18. Red Nation
19. The Advocate Messenger
20. Red Road Newsletter
21. Cherokee Nation – Mexico
22. Various Other Yahoo Groups, Native American Organizations,
Media, Family and Friends


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #46 on: May 22, 2006, 05:51:17 pm »
Thank you so much for this post. It confirms all the information we have obtained on this fraud. He has been bizzar from the start. With all you have spoken it a very dangerous group. I will say prayers to keep you safe.

I will be in KY/TN the month of June so if there anything I can do to help you, please post me a message as I will be following this site while there. I did email the Burnside Chamber of commerence many months back as to this fraud, but never heard back. Thank you so very much for stepping forward.

                                                                       Wado  Weheli :)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2006, 08:14:48 pm »
Yet more that's been passed along. Hard to believe anyone could think this was traditional Cherokee. It's amusing to Spot The Nuage Buzzwords and Phrases>>>.
This kind of stuff is pure comedy gold.

 "Emene! We have work to do. All things in their time. In the last while, I have had to practice my own lesson that it is OK not to know for a time. Trust is what it is all about. I know it is difficult to see those in leadership positions struggle, but in that is another lesson I have to practice. That is to let go, and again, Trust."

Trust me! I'm no politician, I'm super spirchul!

"What I do know is that this is no game, and those who do not understand, I can do nothing about."

Hey, everybody understands. We just ARENT FOOLED. There's a difference.

"The only thing I/we can do is hold the coarse"

And not, apparently, hold onto a spelling dictionary.

"and Trust that Creator will continue blessing this Family as it has been blessed.
Look at the blessings. Our prayers for land has been answered. Our Noh for Profit Status is now within our grasp. The Wazhazhe have embraced us in the Ancient unified nature of our mutual bloodlines. This Path we Walk is correct. It is upright and without self serving agendas. it is the Way and it is our intent to maintain good relations where they can be made."

Yeah, nothing self serving about declaring yourself Chief For Life. Or demanding money.

"We >>>stand in the Light. We do not avoid communication to >>>hide our true intent. We do not say one thing and do another. It is the Way of Respect and honor. We Love, yet we acknowledge that which is clear."

You've never been clear since we've met you.

"For that is Walking in Truth, and that is Spirit. It is not popular among those who have something to hide. It is not wanted where there is a lack of understanding in ones self. That is because >>>in the Light is the revelation of self and that scares the hell out of the majority."

Actually your BS doesn't scare so much as amuse.

"We will never be strong in numbers in the bigger picture,"

Of course not, most people have caught on.

"but we will have the most powerful thing in the Universe, in all creation available. Truth. >>>Love heals through the Truth. >>>The Truth is the Salt of the Earth and the Glue that holds all things together."

Truth is salt and truth is glue. OK...I wouldn't want you cooking around me.

"It is that which is feared above all things by those who are afraid to look at themselves.
Appearances and illusion serves those who are afraid of what they will find when they finally look at themselves. I do not care what anyone says, it is not about being Indian or Jewish, Christian or anything other than a Real Human Being. Yes, my blood boils in my veins and through my heart."

Get yourself to an Anger Management Course!

"Yes, my skin is white and i look like a hundred thousand mixed bloods,"

Nope, I rarely see mixedbloods look as foolish as you do in your Smoky the Bear hat.

"but, I understand, it is not about my skin, it is about my spirit and my heart where that spirit lives in union with the Spirit of the All that Is.
I am so tired of Children who attack just to >>>exalt their own state of being. It is a state of being that is twisted and convoluted because they do not know who they truly are. If they did, they would recognize their relations. The Indian People will never find unity until the BS stops and the attacks stop on each other in the effort to validate their own Indianess.
Everybody is an expert."

You sure aren't.

"You ought to see the garbage i get from time to time on this computer. Children lashing out at something they do not understand. But, if we maintain our integrity and hold the coarse, In time, Creator works all things and will bless our commitment to the Way. it is the Path of our Ancestors and has been written in our hearts since the beginning.
We fell from Unity consciousness and lost it in that we forgot who we truly are. We have reached that time in the epochs of time when the Whole Universe will Contract and Unity will be restored, the Earth Mother Will Heal and the People will remember. It will happen faster than many think when it goes down.
Call me a fanatic,"

We already have.

"call me what you will, but do not think I will compromise for one minute the Responsibility the Creator has given and ordained"

Responsbility ordained you? Is Responsibility a cardinal or bishop?

"as my part, and this collective, this Family's part in the Great Shift"

Here comes the Nuage flood!

"into the Sixth World."

Sounds like a twisted version of Aztec beliefs.
Forgive my dissertation, but i must."

Did you mean digression, bubba?

Uku Yonv"

OK, he claims Yonv is his first name now. So it's like he's calling himself "Chief "Jerry"?

On a more serious note, we've gotten some even more disturbing reports which I'll post soon.


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #48 on: May 30, 2006, 07:15:31 pm »
 ;D ;D ;DI would be laughing if this was not so rediculous and dangerous. Indeed it sounds like Jim Jones. Does Jerry really believe his is A "God"??? We are his children??? VERY<VERY dangerous cult. Jerry i am Cherokee and NO what you are saying is not nor has ever been Cherokee, even in the oldest tradition. :( Jerry is walking himself a very dangerous path that will turn on him, and this is not the The First Peoples path.

Jerry look in the mirror and come to know yourself.

 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? Wado Weheli ::)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #49 on: June 01, 2006, 05:55:50 pm »
The latest account I received. Way beyond just bizarre or foolish, now there are allegations of sexual abuse, theft or cheating people out of money, and a history of mental health problems, drug use and sales, and a criminal record for Edwards.

These we need to get at right away. Anyone know how to track down if someone is a felon or was in a mental hospital? That last one I'd think would be confidential. Everyone should keep in mind these are reported ALLEGATIONS.

Some information deleted to keep the ID secret.
"The whole thing will eventually be run by Charlie Lame Deer and James Plenty Stars although I have not seen any communication from him. He is on the road as a long distance driver.The name is being changed and they are again awaiting not for profit status and are incorporating in the name of Chickamauga Wazhazshe (sp) not even sure about the spelling.

The story is the Cherokees were children of the stars and Charlies group are children of the sun same cosmic. interplanetary connections. First hand from Edwards "he is not a human but a highly evolved entity in a human body."

It is very small except for Charlies group who are made up of about 45-50 people minimum.
Most are not on-line.

On Edwards, different states he scammed in and the time he was in jail for a felony in New Jersey and his extensive visits to different hospitals for drugs. He is currently growing hallucinigenic mushrooms in what was a bedroom in the trailer.

The young girl he was sending money to. Lots of money to come to Kentucky. She never showed up. They prey mostly on needy. Dysfunctional women who Edwards feels are easy money and sex objects. He admits to a sexual addiction and at this time is without a female partner and is trying to get Laura his wife back. The divorce has not been filed and he was going to marry Karla in a phoney Cherokee wedding. They are slated to have a Gathering in Kentucky in July. They will be coming here to the "Sacred Land" and pitch tents there.

His wife predicts he will relocate to Alabama to be with Charlie or go to Florida again.
The sexual abuse is subtle and pervasive. It is said that having sex with an "Uku" is viewed as above anything else so there is no rape but persuasion and attacks verbally and harassment if you refuse."

Offline Raven_Walkingstick

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2006, 12:43:44 pm »
Go into either New Jersey or Florida to look for criminial record. Those are public records.
Mental health hospitals, that is confidential, unless there was a felon committed and that is part of their sentencing.
If no records are found in those states, go into other states that he has also lived.

Jerry start packing. You are not going to like what is coming your way. The D.A.'s office is very interested in what you and your unethical guitar picking attorney tried to do to me.

Offline Raven_Walkingstick

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2006, 01:00:29 pm »
Mary Anna,
I have a rather large research folder on Jerry Edwards. There may be somethigs that could be of some use to you. I no longer need them, for my dealings with him are on a different level now. If you want them, let me know I will send them to you.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Raven_Walkingstick »

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2006, 05:57:21 pm »
or go to Florida again.
The sexual abuse is subtle and pervasive. It is said that having sex with an "Uku" is viewed as above anything else so there is no rape but persuasion and attacks verbally and harassment if you refuse."

What part of Florida has he been in previously?  Yeah if he heads this way with that kind of background it won't too long before word gets out.  If anyone hears he has groups etc starting here please drop me a note as I am interested in this saga.  We don't need any more garbage here the new age stores are filled enough with fake people in FL selling their fake wannabe stuff.



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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2006, 01:38:36 am »
I was just checking out Jerry"s site and was unable to find it. I did try and there it was but no pictures of Edwards with a couple new things added. ::) So Jerry are you on the run?? Taking your picture off won't help, as we all know what you look like.  So is Charlie Lame Deer going yo be left to clean up your sh..? ;D


Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2006, 07:42:45 pm »


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #55 on: June 14, 2006, 07:24:20 am »
Such a shame ,,, let's not forget the pity part, such a pity too...

Date: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:57 am
Subject: Unole  
Osiyo Sidanelv ale sunale osda,  
It is on the wind, all that is to be. It has been set in motion eons ago by the Ancestors, through the Will of Yehowah, (Creator)....It is as the great in breath and out breath of Creator. Please, I know that is Buddhist, I am making a point.  
....I am saying that we are now approaching that point where it is the in-between time. I know there are those who will crucify me for using some of what Trox has said, but the information is solid, so, it is called the Untime, Time/Untime. it is the moment when all things come to rest and the Universe and all creation come to rest and pay homage to the Source from which it sprung....It is the combination of the Counter Rotating Spirals that maintain the balance of all things. As above, So below.  
....I do send my love, even to those who would walk on it. it has endured more than a few disgruntled souls down through time.
Dohi, (Peace)  
Uku Yonv  

This is exactly what someone from the Manataka online forum was spewing. Much of the stuff on this lengthy post ,,, sounds familiar. Oh no couldn't be a connection between these people and Manataka, the church or government, secret societies or others. In all your glory, you seem very much like them to me. This is just a different kind of popularity contest. Must be those southerly winds. I'm not going to kiss your rear end either. PU


Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #56 on: June 14, 2006, 01:09:57 pm »
In all your glory, you seem very much like them to me. This is just a different kind of popularity contest. Must be those southerly winds. I'm not going to kiss your rear end either.

I hope those remarks aren't aimed at us. It's impossible to tell who you're talking to there.


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2006, 03:57:51 am »
Hey Jerry,
Heard about the blue explorer you have with your chicamauga sticker.



Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #58 on: July 07, 2006, 06:05:59 pm »
Yonv is not down,  He's changing his website.  My friend informed him he had inaccurate information on the site.  He often goes after people like this he finds on the web and tells them about the false stuff they have up.  
Problem: He's taken what my friend said and is making changes to his site.  And now he is claiming the backing of the CNO.

His recent message was posted to a group I belong to. writes:
Osiyo Sidanelv ale sunale osda
  You know, anytime there are changes, there is always a time of digestion. Re-evaluation of what the nature of things are occurs in all who are affected. I know myself, I have gone through a period where I have had to work at staying focused. I get up most every morning around 4 AM. I make my coffee and come over to the studio where my computer is and think i would like to find a few posts from the Family.

What is interesting is, the private emails i get from folks who do not normally post. It reminds me that you all are still out there. Like this morning, I found three new emails. That is OK, but I ask Creator what i can do to stimulate you into feeling like just sharing a little. Here is the answer I receive.

Grandfather tells me to just keep on keeping on. There will be a time where you realize just how important the work this Family is doing in the bigger picture. I am told in my spirit that you are watching and wanting to learn more. I am told that you want to experience you Tsalagi heritage and that will come more as time goes on.

Another thing I am shown is, nobody is going away. That tells me you are at least listening to the teachings and that they are important. For now, it is important to hear the teachings of the Way. For the new folks, that is the Way of the True Human being. that is the foundation for all indigenous cultures. It is the Way of Spirit and the Way of living with the Earth Mother in rhythm and harmony.

You should know, I have been contacted by folks from the CNO, the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. The people who contacted me are Traditional who have studied our website. It is interesting because this goes along with what Creator has been showing me. In its time, the traditions and ancient information will come and be added to our part.

What i am trying to say is this. Because of the approach that was given to me from the beginning, though we have shared much in relation to our Cherokee heritage, the focus has been on healing and accepting ourselves for who we are. Let's face it, the face of the Indian has changed in the last 100 years. The influx of inter marriage and the resulting mixed blood faction of the Cherokee Nation has certainly emerged.

That has come with much difficulty. We have a race of people with many white faces experiencing their Native Blood. There has also been a backlash in that, the full bloods on the reservations have been hesitant to embrace the new face of the culmination of this phenomenon. Here we are, living in a world gone crazy, mixed blood, and caught between worlds. There has been a literal fight to maintain identities.

An example of that is the attacks we experience once in a while by narrow minded self righteous people like the one who runs the Native fraud sites. No understanding of what is really going on and an anger that hurts many people who cannot stand to assaults. Of coarse that is a whole other subject, but it serves as a reference to the disease.

Many of you are working through the whole, "Who am I thing" trying to establish in your own hearts the balance between your mixed bloods, the way you feel, which brought you here and how to become what your hearts tell you that you are.That is fine and good.

It is not easy. In is a work of determination. You must be committed if you are going to walk this path. I would say that many of you have experienced some form of discrimination in relation to being white on the outside and red on the inside. I know I have. Ignorant people asking questions as to how much Indian you are is what I am relating to.

Most do not mean anything by it, it is just a way of making conversation. But, it can grate on you for sure. In reality, it is a good question in the sense of forcing us to look in our own hearts. It bears the question, what right do we have to claim anything. The answer to that is, every right. You see, being Indian is more than outward appearance.

For us, it is a choice as to what path we go down, Of coarse, everyone has a choice, but the idea that we are born with multi cultural backgrounds and the fact that we have chosen to follow our heart and go down the Indian way speaks very clearly that there is a spirit in each one of us that is truly Indian.

That brings me to this Family. I want you all to consider what it means to you. For relationship to happen, there must be communication. So I ask you to answer one question. Are you Cherokee or Lakota or any other of the indigenous peoples and do you want to make a difference? what I am getting at here is, are you willing to be part of something that may have a Unifying affect with the Indian People.

Are you interested in anything more than your day to day lives and is this just some curiosity to you. I have many people who apply for citizenship ask if we will help with their genealogy. that seems to be one of the first things they are interested in. that is not bad, but, it is just a part of realizing who you are.

this path is so unique and different than the White way of doing things that when it is truly integrated into someone's life, it calls for many adjustments. People find that the truth of being Indian is not some game or hobby. It gets very serious and a large portion of people can not stand that pressure.

i think that is in part the answer to the question as to why people are so quiet here. At least you are willing to sit back and learn. That is commendable. Like I said, we are not have a rush to the door to leave. I mentioned earlier that I have been contacted by the Priesthood, the Adawehi, (Ah-dah-way-hee) of the Cherokee Nation Proper. They are interested in making sure the information that is given is in line with records they have that go back some 10,000 years. they still practice the Old Ways and ceremonies in the language.

Folks, this should cause your ears to perk up. As i said, time will come when the cultural aspect of things will come. We have been doing this for 7 years now. There you go, 7, a sacred number and no coincidence that we are now beginning to be blessed with certain information that will add the dimension to us that will bring our heritage into much more focus.

These people in studying our web site were impressed enough to contact me. i say impressed with all humbleness and humility. I say that because it was the presentation and the Way things are presented that got their attention. In other words, they recognized the spirit of the AniYvWiya in us and decided to single us out to share with.

How this goes will depend on how we grow and assimilate the information. I having some things on the website adjusted to bring some of the information they have shared into focus. It is subtle, because we were not far off and the spirit is there.

You should be proud to be part of this Family. If you are not, you are not paying attention. The foundation is constantly being laid for doing things in a proper manner and in the best way possible. i pray you are absorbing all you read and allowing it to work in your hearts. You notice I did not say on your hearts. In your heart is where this whole thing begins.  

It goes on with more, but I can't fit it all on here.  

William Graywolf

Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #59 on: July 07, 2006, 06:13:16 pm »
Here is the rest of that email posted:

more and give you a greater sense of who you are.

That may sound silly, but it is not really. I know LeeSa does finger weaving, Frank Looking Eagle does beadwork and has made his own regalia. What interests you. We have the Gathering coming up and we are going to have a trade day. Do you make something we could trade or sell? let's get to being Indian people. Get connected to you heritage through acting on it.

i make flutes and gourd work. I make moccasins and jewelry. You do not have to be an expert. You cannot know until you try. i am telling you, doing a little craftwork puts you in touch with your native heritage. It is one way, but it is a good way. Make a dream catcher, collect some stones. Talk to your stones. Talk to a tree, listen to it after you do. You will hear answers in your heart.

Buy yourself a CD of Indian music. If you want to be Indian, start integrating the culture into your life in a proactive way. I have gone on for a while this morning. I pray you have gotten something from all that has been said. i want to see this Tribe become and experience the Indian aspect of who we are. We are going to begin to integrate that aspect of the teaching more as we move forward.

if anyone has a question, understand, we have many people at many different levels. There is no stupid question. If you have a question, no matter how silly you may think it is, ask it. Let's get moving and lets embrace each other in a conscious effort to raise the level of unity among ourselves and in ourselves.

Does anyone know what a Stomp Dance is? There you go, there is a question. I want to see if someone has read this far and is willing to answer that one. I am Cherokee, what are you?

i send my love as always and prayers for the good of the All.

Atsilvquodiyu (Aht-chee-luh-quo-dee-you) Respectfully

PS, by the way, for the new folks, you have four chiefs and two clan mothers at this present time. I am Yonv, (Yoh-nuh) the Principal Chief, there is , who is the principal speaker to the Principal Chief, there is  who is Right hand to the Principal Chief, you have Chief Giga Tali who is the Red Chief or War Chief and Clan Mother RiverHawk who is Bird Clan Mother, and Clan Mother Red Sky who is the Blue Clan Mother. We do not have the other Clans covered yet with Clan Mothers, but if you have any questions concerning these things, then please, by all means, ask


William Graywolf