Author Topic: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School  (Read 77471 times)

Offline Odelle

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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2013, 06:10:45 am »
It seems like a franchise: people can just open up chapters wherever.

From a statement by Martina Ruddock Dublin, Ireland
 CEO for Europe and the HQ is in Ireland, to the website, Dialogue Ireland, which "is an independent trust that works to promote awareness and understanding of New Religious Movements and cultism in Ireland."

There is no one GREAT LEADER who is the end all and be all of the school and its beliefs. The school is composed of many, many Master Teachers from all walks of life and backgrounds in many different spiritual teachings, who have come to agree on the basic principles and understanding of the lineage and the teachings of the school. So there is no venerated leader sitting on high in which to ‘obey’.
We do not control or manipulate students sleep patterns or eating habits in any way shape or form. This is a SCHOOL. You come to class and learn and go on breaks and do whatever you want, just like any other school on the planet.
We do not attempt to control people’s choices in what they do with their life including their love life, family life, personal career choices, etc.
We do not ask, demand, hint, suggest or recommend in any way shape or form for our students to surrender their personal property, possessions, houses, furniture, cars, first born or anything else to be given to the MMS. In fact we have never taken these things (except normal payment for classes) and we never will as it goes against everything we represent and believe.
We do not want students to ‘hang around’. We are not your family we are teachers and administrators. Once you have finished your class or a major program we ask you to return to your ‘normal’ life and apply whatever new understandings or skills you have learned in MMS. Most do, however it’s your choice and your FREE WILL to act upon this.
We are not exclusive in a system or belief in GOD. In other words, we do not believe there are only ‘one or two ways’ in which to connect to the divine. Although we teach many different ways to connect and work with the energies of the divine we do not attempt or desire you to stop doing what works best for you and your own personal connections. This being said we have many people from numerous spiritual/religious backgrounds including numerous forms of Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Shamanic, Pagan and Hindu belief systems. Each student takes the new pieces of information they have learned and applies it to their own personal belief system to help enhance their personal connection to the divine.
We believe primarily in FREE WILL and kindness to all people, animals and all living things in general. Kindness, acceptance, and compassion above all else. In our modern age there is NO excuse by any person, country, group, organization, corporation, religion, etc, to be inhumane to another human being, whether based on political, moral, personal or spiritual grounds, period.
And lastly… just ask any of the 20,000+ students  in over 36 countires world wide who have attended our classes their opinion and you’ll find FREE WILL is tantamount to their lives!"


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2013, 02:16:40 pm »
Thanks, Odelle.  Wow!  Is this doublespeak or what?

The school is composed of many, many Master Teachers from all walks of life and backgrounds in many different spiritual teachings, who have come to agree on the basic principles and understanding of the lineage and the teachings of the school. So there is no venerated leader sitting on high in which to ‘obey’.

So, you all agree on the "lineage" and "teachings" but you all have different backgrounds and teachings???

I agree with you, Piff, in being very suspicious about the nonprofit's real intentions.  This reminds me of what Kathryn said in the Little Grandmother thread.  So many of these people give with one hand, while taking with the other, and they all seem to do it while hiding behind a nonprofit status.  Personally, I think the government should take a long, hard look at what these nonprofits are doing.  Of course, it could all be perfectly "legal" and the only chumps are the people who donate to the charities while getting a tax write-off for their donations.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2013, 03:00:00 pm »
That "There is no one GREAT LEADER" passage and the rest are from The Modern Mystery School FAQs, rearranged a little.

Here is Marina Ruddock's site

About the FAQs, this bit "What are some things MMS doesn't do?" - so specific, they definitely are talking about cult accusations here. Point by point they are trying to deny cult accusations. But their words are not to be trusted.

The Awakening the Goddess Women’s Temple  a certified teacher in Seattle WA

Gudni says his group is different from "modern New Age teachings" because his group has a lineage and initiations.

In the Modern Modern Mystery school, as you progress, you receive a series of physical initiations. These initiations make the difference between just knowing the information and having the authority to use it. The initiations we conduct literally bring down Light and the authority from the Divine to conduct this universe according to the Laws of God and the Laws of the Universe. By receiving an initiation you are in fact becoming a true light worker in every sense of the word.

And you have to get these initiations (and pay handsomely for them) from him or his approved people.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2013, 03:12:23 pm »
More graphics from his FB page, he sure likes the exclamation points.

The hokey Gudni in lab coat image is of what he claims is his "Azoth Alchemy Lab".

Many of the graphics have the same style, I assume Gudni does these himself as there is one dedicated to his wife on his FB, and she herself has an entirely different style.

Speaking of her style - she's all about the faerie princess, and sells clothing, jewelry, and an entire "concept".
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 04:14:10 pm by Piff »


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #34 on: June 15, 2013, 03:19:03 pm »
I'm uploading more graphics and photos from his public FB because they say a lot about how he operates.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #35 on: June 15, 2013, 03:32:14 pm »
Here's the class progression students are supposed to take

First they have to get a Life Activation (formerly called the DNA Activation)

One of the courses that can be eventually taken:

Native Shamanic Studies

From the mists of time, the ancient native discovered how to maximize human abilities of mind and spirit for healing and problem-solving. These ancestors were called shamans and medicine men or women, and their ancient teachings remain with us today. Native Shamanism is a deep course of study that is broken down into several classes and, should the student choose, it can last decades to study. Each level of the teachings/classes take you deeper into yourself and your power, revealing to you the mysteries of the Universe and how to work with them to flow your life more smoothly.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2013, 05:31:42 pm »
More on their "Native American Elder" origin myth:

When Gudni recieved 'the keys' to anchor the energy of this school from the Native American Elder ... Ok, let me back up... a particular native tribe had been holding the keys and 'running the school' as a part of the inner wisdom of their tribe's medicine ways... so it was not an 'open' 'school' - it was a innertribal initiation process from the time it was handed down to them from King Salomon until 1995 when they handed it over to Gudni so that he could 'teach the white man the inner secrets' - which they, by tribal laws, were not permitted to do. Because Gudni was trained at one (or more) of the other 6 schools he did not need to recieve any 'teachings' to be able to anchor this energy. The tribal laws were honored as the Natives 'taught' him nothing they simply 'handed over the keys'. When this happened the Native Elder was very concerned that we (the white people) would disconnect from the importance of the Rocky Mountains (the region these natives had settled for the past 3,000 years and it was in these mountains that the energy is anchored. This connection and reverance for these Mountains was concidered very important by the Natives and the elder voiced this as his only concern in 'handing the school over'... So Gudni Suggested he Name the School "The Rocky Mountain Mystery School" so that we would always remember and connect with them.

The keys to this school were handed down to Gudni by a Native American Shaman, thus creating a full circle in the linage that ties together the Western Mystery Tradition with some of its originating indigenous roots. According to tradition, key representatives for the indigenous people of North America (Turtle Island) were among the many who gathered in King Salomon’s Temple over 3000 years ago. So these people were the ones who held the keys to the 7th Mystery School, located on this continent, for thousands of years. By uniting with the Western Mystery Tradition in 1995, these teachings have now become available to the majority of the population who live on this land - prior to 1995, only a full-blooded native could receive the inner teachings and higher initiations from this mystery school.

In 1996 Gudni was summoned to North America to take over the leadership of the MMS. He was handed down the leadership of the school in an ancient native ceremony and since then Gudni has served as the catalyst to take these teachings out to the public, both in North America and around the world.

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #37 on: June 15, 2013, 05:56:30 pm »
When I read the excerpts being quoted I read nothing but irrational, illogical, nuage babble.  It is interesting and sad that so many people cannot parse this as they become his followers.  :o


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #38 on: June 15, 2013, 06:01:49 pm »
Listened to part of an interview with Gudni from 2006. He says he was born with an identical twin, the twin died at birth, and Gudni spent the next 10 years with his (dead) twin. That he learned things from the "other side" during this time.

Then when the twin went away, Gudni was depressed and wanted to die. He was raised in the Lutheran church and no one would listen to him when he talked about what the angels had taught him.

When he was 13 he knew he had to share his knowledge with the world. He studied and traveled, studied with Golden Dawn in England, Sai Baba in India, and he was always told that he needed to take what he was doing world wide. In the 70s he was told to take the "tool of Kabbalah" and teach it, do seminars. He had a Kaballah center in Sweden for 9 years.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #39 on: June 15, 2013, 06:08:50 pm »
When I read the excerpts being quoted I read nothing but irrational, illogical, nuage babble.  It is interesting and sad that so many people cannot parse this as they become his followers.  :o

Yeah, and they spend so much money and time learning to talk and think like this.

Apparently the babble pulls them in, they want to understand and "evolve", they want to be like Gudni and his wife (or how they appear to be).

Ideally everyone would instead laugh, point, and run the hell away from Gudni. Especially when he claims that he lived with his dead twin brother for ten years, channeled Merlin, trained bodyguards for the Dalai Lama etc. etc.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2013, 10:46:27 pm »
Piff, several places I have also seen him claiming a Ph.D.  Do you know anything about that?  Somewhere I read that it was in metaphysics, but I doubt if they give out Ph.D.'s in metaphysics, but that could just be my "common sense" kicking in again on me (it is such a curse  :D :D).

I suspect it is just more of his "creative writing" that so many of the people we research on this forum seem to be so good at doing.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2013, 12:37:46 am »
Piff, several places I have also seen him claiming a Ph.D.  Do you know anything about that?  Somewhere I read that it was in metaphysics, but I doubt if they give out Ph.D.'s in metaphysics, but that could just be my "common sense" kicking in again on me (it is such a curse  :D :D).

I suspect it is just more of his "creative writing" that so many of the people we research on this forum seem to be so good at doing.

I think he has a Ph.D. in B.S. :)

Gudni has a Doctoral degree in Metaphysics and a Degree in Psychology. He won the Swedish Artist of the Year Award, Poet of the Year and Businessman of the Year. He has been awarded The International Peace Prize for Humanitarian Work from the United Cultural World Society.

Because we are not able to be certified or registered by a governmental body in no way reduces, removes or negates the level of expertise or knowledge our Master Teachers have obtained through years of diligent study. Our Master Teachers continue to teach students all over the world and are the equivalent of any ‘Masters' or 'Doctorate' level professional.

He himself has excelled in Painting, Sculpting, Poetry, Writing Books, Sports, Martial Arts, Humanitarian Work, Film (as a stunt man), Dance, Philosophy, Psychology, Archeology, Sociology, Mythology and many other disciplines of humans.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 01:57:13 am by Piff »


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2013, 01:17:18 am »
But that’s not the end! In this $650 class (you also have to have a $150 Life Activation first), you will also be hearing commercials about the other services your life wont be complete without! You need King Solomon healing – $1500, and Mind Region – $2500. Then you need to do Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, and Empower Thyself 2 – $80, $80, and $350. Then you need to do Know Thyself – $1000, and Kabballah – about $3500+ after all the fees. Then you get to fly to Toronto and pay for a plane ticket, hotel, Healers Academy – $2000, TAN – $500, Ritual Master 1 – $2500, Warriors of Light – $1000+, Enochian and Osiris Temple – $800-1000, plus buy all the mandatory outfits and ritual items – about $1000 all together…. And at that point, you have only wet your toes in their most basic classes – for about $22000-25000 all together. That’s just a couple months of basic stuff – to become a Guide and 3rd step RItual Master, that will be about another $20,000+ (at least), and then you get to pay for a class called Mage – about $3000-5000 each class (a couple times a year, every year!). Even though you payed for all these classes, you still need to pay for TAN and temples, and flights to Toronto and Japan, otherwise, you arent certified by them, and no longer able to teach or do healings for them (the spirits only work your magick when you pay them!). And of course, after that, you can pay for Gudni’s Ancestral Healing ($5000 a person) and channeling school, and tarot school…..

In one of the classes I took from the MMS the teacher said that the training would change a person and that the people you have relationships with would do one of two things. Either they would come along “kicking and screaming” or they would leave. If the relationship ended, is was probably just as well, since it must be “abusive”.

Your loved ones “kicking and screaming” or leaving must mean that your are getting along grandly in your spiritual development. That is just more justification for hanging in there,

If you believe this, chances are you will still be in the school slamming your money down, while the life around you falls apart. God knows how many people have put their families through hell because of their participation in these programs.

In theory, I could care less what sex lives people have, though i probably expected more, given what MMS was proclaiming to be about publicly,with my good name backing it up. (Eventually, I did hear some stuff that grossed me out, but fine, to each his own.) I do hold G responsible for abusing trust.

I once had the impression that G was collecting people who had been abused

I thought I was paying for the whole program when I plopped down my $2500.00. But then I was told there would be study groups at 20.00 per session once a month. There were also “highly recommended” healing session, two of those. One was $150.00 and the other 100.00. Then I was told about the “retreat expenses” which were $350.00. Then there were the study guides at 10 or 20.00 per book. By the end of it, who knows what this would have cost.

Perhaps they ought to change the name to Metaphysical Multilevel Marketing School. That would be more honest.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2013, 02:42:51 am »
Gudni Gudnason cranks out endless nonsense.  He appropriates, twists, and trashes every possible culture he can find. And it looks like he is raking in a lot of $.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2013, 01:54:49 pm »
If anyone wants to purposefully go crazy, join this group. Gudni outright tells people that they are crazy and also that he is going to lie to them. Then he and his staff proceed to drive people actually crazy.

People are told that they have a specific angel identified with them, that must then possess them, and that they must channel. They are told that there are dark forces at war with them, they need the group for protection, and that any doubt or questioning comes from Satan.

Bliss out experiences are created. People are put into trances, told to spin and dance and chant, they are told that they are special, important, and about to learn the secret.

Regularly there are scapegoating "explusion" rituals that cast out group members. So after all the manipulation and exhaustion of a high demand group, a person can find themselves cast out in a dramatic event. Their spiritual family, those that they believe are core to their survival and the survival of the planet, expel them in a ritual very dramatic public fashion.

Former members describe being totally gutted, feeling suicidal. Devastated financially.

I've been looking over the group for a few days, kept thinking I would find the "end" of the available info online, but it looks like it actually is just about endless. Gudni and his group scam many people and many of them then go out and create their own franchise. Gudni is making $ and leaving a wake of damaged people and lives.

And if anyone complains, Gudni can say "I told you that I would lie to you.".