Author Topic: Ralph Oquendo AKA Dancing Thunder, Susqehannock  (Read 52807 times)

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2008, 07:36:06 am »
Thanks for the research!

Another question: Did anyone watch the video?

I think I can hear a slight dutch accent when "Dancing Thunder" speaks, but English is not my native lanquage ..........

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2008, 09:47:24 am »
I just had a long talk with one of the organisers of a 'susquehannock sweatlodge' here in Holland and aksed about Dancing Thunders background.
All he could tell me was that D T is member of AIM.
(and he did not care about non existing tribes, because D T's teaching "are wonderfull!")

In don't know anything about native Americans, I'm just a woman from the Netherlands who has studies 'core shamanism' for about 7 years, and I have never even been near to a sweatlodge or anything of the kind. So here's the stupit question: What does it mean to be member of AIM?

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2008, 11:38:07 am »
Found a website in English:


Medicine Man
Principal Chief of the Susquehannock

“We are spiritual entities with a material body,
not the other way round???.

Ralph Dancing Thunder Oquendo is a medicine man and Principal Chief of the Susquehannock tribe of Florida. He has worked as a healer, teacher and medicine man for over 30 years. Dancing Thunder leads sweat lodge rituals and spirit boat journeys, and is a teacher of the medicine wheel rituals and healing methods. Dancing Thunder has great dignity, fantastic humour and tremendous knowledge. His teachings are based on authentic traditional knowledge, directly passed on and down through family and ancestry. He was chosen on this basis to assist in the retrieval of lost knowledge in North America and Europe. Because of this traditional family background he is known as a “Man of Knowledge???.

Dancing Thunder was born into a family of healers and “Men and Women of Knowledge???. His grandmother was a medicine woman and his father a “Man of Knowledge???. Dancing Thunder is the founder of “Dreamtime Healing??? and Chairman of the “Foundation of the Medicine Way???. He has been adopted by the Shoshone and is a member of the “Pan-American Indian Association???.

Recently, Dancing Thunder released his CD “Full Moon???, a recording of drumming and voices based on the authentic tribal Susquehannock medicine wheel. The CD is available from the label Singing Frog Music & Media at

I first met Dancing Thunder when I had been invited by Wai Turoa-Morgan to a sacred workshop in Holland in 2004. I was immediately fascinated by his way of teaching, and the fact that he lives exactly what he teaches. Since then, I have learnt many, many things from him, medicine wheel teachings, sweat lodge rituals and spirit boat journeys. I have been adopted by the Susquehannock, and given the name “Holds Blue Fire???.

And on another page:
( This lady is the representative of the 'susquehannock tribe' in the Netherlands,  her emailadress bounces so she can't answer my questions )


Healer & Medium

Margareta Blue Star Bakker is a healer and transpersonal medium. She studied psychology and music at the conservatory of Amsterdam. Through her visions, she met Dancing Thunder, medicine man and Chief of the Susquehannock tribe of Florida, in 1991. Blue Star has been adopted by the Susquehannock tribe as well as the Cherokees. She works as a spiritual teacher in Holland, Germany and Spain. In her work, she also uses sound therapy and bio-resonance therapy, and she can give readings if requested. In addition, Blue Star leads sweat lodge rituals and is an experienced fire woman. In 2003, she had a vision to focus on women to help them in expanding to their true potential. Her workshops “The Medicine Wheel for Women??? and “Personal Medicine of Women??? are the enlightening result. Blue Star has a sensitive way of dealing with others, and through her great humour and spiritual abilities her workshops are both enjoyable and enriching.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2008, 01:48:26 pm »
Zia, most AIM members would tell you this means they have a lifelong committment to defending Native traditions and people, and doing so AGAINST people like Oquendo.

This is too funny. There is also a Ralph Oquendo who says he is a martial arts master.

There was also a Ralph Oquendo who was a member of the Diggdoctors, a Nuagey group that knocked off ideas about Australian Aborigines.
"The Diggdoctors are Ralph Oquendo, Late Wolf (M.Bakker) & Rasta Robert. The music is not simply music; rather it is the accompaniment or vehicle for a 'Dreamtime', a gathering of up to 40 people with the intention of entering into altered states to experience their personal dreamtime.
The Concert - some notes from the players... (snipped a bit). The jump into the Dreamtime... you can actually hear the exact moment the players make the link and jump into the Dreamtime. First you hear clapsticks randomly. The players are using the sound to follow a dreamtrack (altered state). Then suddenly you will hear, at the exact same moment, all the sticks come down together and begin a complex synchronized rhythm; welcome to the Dreamtime. The story-telling then starts with one Shaman traveling until he meets another. They converse in animal-voices, and then there is another. They travel deep into the Dreamtime. (...)the deep rhythmic tunes of Rasta Robert's yidaki and the hypnotic tunes of Late Wolf, building an intensive web of sound. Shamanic voices(...) Both the yidaki and the human voice can 'sing' overtones or cosmic tones. (...) Calling the Whales(...) You hear them calling and then you can actually feel the rhythm of their gigantic bodies. Feel them coming and talking in their huge overtone voices. The Ice Age Hunters. With the bells we are suddenly out and running across the Ice Age tundra's. You hear the hunters call to one another with the voices of the Animal Powers they hunt. Songs from the Heart From the Hunt to the Camp drums and the song of welcome. A song to 'the Four Directions'. An honest and true voice. Then :Celebration!(...)a very virtuoso solo on the yidaki where Ralph Oquendo singles out only the overtones of his yidaki to imitate the human voice. (...) Then Intrusion carries us back to our starting place to complete the circle."

Spirit boat journey seems to be something from one of the core shamanism people, a Francis Caufield in Britain. Basically it's breathing and chanting with a bunch of instruments playing.
"Think of it as a Spirit Boat Journey with the boat a metaphor for the community.

The participants gather together within a ceremonial circle, with me in the center as facilitator. Each participant creates an intention for their journey, which they breathe into their heart. Through the application of conscious breathing, sound healing instruments and toning (see below), a higher dimensional energy field or vortex is created within each individual and within the circle or group energy field, so that we as a group, may commune more powerfully and directly with our God-Self, power animals, guardian spirits and ancestors.

With access to the omnipresent Source of Light and Love established within the circle, a paradigm shift occurs within the cellular consciousness, as the harmonic sounds activate the God seed within the DNA code. The overall benefits are profound and unique to each person covering the areas of Spiritual Awakening, Personal Transformation, and Holistic Healing, which provides for a uplifting and healing effect within the local community as well as to the planetary consciousness.

The Sacred Sound Ceremony/Spirit Boat Journey is composed of three sequential phases.

1) Severance: During the first phase, we sever our relationship to the world, as we know it. The mechanical, repetitive internal dialogue that describes and interprets our reality is dissolved. Our attention is drawn away from the collective trance of separateness and alienation and enters a pleasurable state of conscious dreaming, a place in between sleeping and waking. Once the internal dialogue is sufficiently dissolved, the body begins to breath deeply and fully, as if it is being breathed by universal breath. The hidden nature of the body as a portal or gateway to spiritual worlds is revealed, leading to the next phase.

2) Threshold Crossing: During this phase, a radical shift occurs to the assemblage point, a shamanic phrase that describes a movement away from a closed, localized perceptual field and into a open, multi-dimensional and inter-dimensional field of perception. This provides for a nourishing and nurturing communion with our God Essence and for communication with our power animals, guardian spirits and ancestors.

3) Incorporation & Return: This last phase involves the incorporation of the light body into the physical body and for the integration and understanding of communications with the invisible world. This marks our re-entry into the world of ordinary reality, now though infused with the qualities, visions and cellular transformations induced by the harmonics, overtones and the sacred geometry inherent within sound."

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2008, 02:10:38 pm »
Holay smokes!  :o
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2008, 02:43:22 pm »

This is too funny. There is also a Ralph Oquendo who says he is a martial arts master.

Yes that's him. I contacted a martial arts school in Zaandam where he teaches, the owner says he is a fine teacher, but didnt know much about him being a chief and all.........

There was also a Ralph Oquendo who was a member of the Diggdoctors, a Nuagey group that knocked off ideas about Australian Aborigines.

And yes that's him too!
he claimes to be one of the founders of the "dreamtime healing circle" in Holland.

This lady 'Bleu Star' is involved in this group too, she is this 'Late wolf'/M. Bakker.


. Then :Celebration!(...)a very virtuoso solo on the yidaki where Ralph Oquendo singles out only the overtones of his yidaki to imitate the human voice. (...)

What's a Yidaki???

Spirit boat journey seems to be something from one of the core shamanism people, a Francis Caufield in Britain. Basically it's breathing and chanting with a bunch of instruments playing.

I know this ceremony, I believe it is from Indonesia and it's very different from what I read here......
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 02:50:28 pm by Zia »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2008, 03:34:23 pm »
From what I know a Yadaki is an Aboriginal Didgeridoo....but I could be wrong.
There are no leaders in Unity


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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2008, 04:26:42 pm »
Yes, I think so, the Australian Aborignals play or blow it. Has a real deep distinct sound.  Here who the Alabama group is a member of the Pan American Indian Association.  They are out of California.                             They are listed under religious organizations in Flordia, but no website.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 04:53:04 pm by frederica »

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2008, 10:13:19 am »

And the PAIA that their chief brags about:

This PAIA is founded by the same "Piercing Eyes" who founded the "Susquehannock tribe"


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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2008, 02:01:27 pm »
Okay, that answers Matt e question. They are associated with the Universal Life Church. You can receive a DD on line, diploma and all.  There are in Modesto Ca.     There are several groups associated with this bunch from Arkansas and Tennessee and everywhere else now.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2008, 02:11:17 pm »
Oh hell, look what's at the Whirling Rainbow site. They endorse (and maybe are members of) the Minutemen. This is an anti immigrant group that was founded by and is largely led by white supremacists.
To Citizens of the Republic of the United States of America: Currently, about 5,000 "unapprehended" illegal aliens trespass the Arizona/Mexico border DAILY. Another 5,000 invade the U.S. from the Texas, California and New Mexico borders...DAILY. That's 10,000 per day - 300,000 per month. Over 3,000,000 (three million) per year!
If YOU are interested, please contact me via email [all lower case] or Please provide a brief history of yourself. For example, your vocation, any military background, outdoors (outback) experience, etc. There are no  prerequisites for joining this mission, however, I would like to know something about the experiences of those responding to this invitation. The Minuteman Project welcomes participants regardless of gender, race, color, creed, age, or physical disability.  An enthusiastic invitation is extended to current and former members of any law enforcement organization, or military veterans with reconnaisance (LRRP) or intelligence gathering experience.
An American Without A Country
James W. Gilchrist,
BAJ, BSBA, MBA (Taxation), CPA (Ca.) - retired
Aliso Viejo, California.
The Minuteman Project is not a chartered organization with official membership or corporate officers.  It is not a militia, or a band of vigilantes, and literally has no organizational structure.
The Minuteman Project is a state of mind representing Americans with mutual concerns about the systematic and deliberate dismantling of a once cohesive nation whose imminent future is literally in a state of emergency."

They've long made dubious claims not to be racist, but their appeal is based on racist arguments. Gilchrist has been repeatedly exposed as a racist by the Southern Poverty Law Center. For example:
"Nazis, racists join Minuteman Project"

There's also a long bigoted rant against Muslims at the site, and links to far right sites like FrontPageMag and JihadWatch.
"As a Native-Natural Practioner, and in light of the terror and death that has transpired before and on 9-11-01 and continues on a daily basis in the name of 'Allah' by the true believer's of Mohammad and his Koran, required my research into 'Islam and Terrorism' (ter-ror; acts of violence and intimidation for political and or religious purposes). Researching I find it necessary to stand united with my Brothers and Sisters of those religions/spiritualities i.e. Buddist, Christendom, Judean, Hindu, Native-Natural, Wicca, etc. in this hard contest for True Peace On Earth. To stand by and do nothing is actually 'doing something'. A 'not doing' is silently supporting a 'Cult of Death'. A 'religious IDEOLOGY' that seeks your 'submission' and or death. A 'religious IDEOLOGY', a way of life that is contrary to the peace it proclaims to exalt. A 'religious IDEOLOGY' that is contrary to all spiritual goodwill of peaceful enlightening ways taught by other beautiful religious/spiritual ideologies found throughout the world.
QUESTION: WHY! do we Americans have to change our culture to accomodate a group of individuals' (Muslim) whether native born and/or immigrants whose ideology is 'ANTI-AMERICAN & HOSTILE'?"

Elsewhere on the site they link to the PAIA led by Ojala. So they are branches of the same group.

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2008, 03:12:54 pm »
In Holland we have the expression "mag ik een teiltje!"
This means: bring me a basin, I have to puke!

This is getting worse and worse.

I'm thinking of writing an article or letter about this and see if I can get it published in one of the Dutch 'spiritual' magazines.
Where could I get some kind of official backup for my statements about this nonexistent tribe?


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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2008, 09:03:17 pm »
I may be able to help a little bit. I not sure how it will be accepted as the people you are dealing with are into pop culture and reincarnation. I can just give you some hard core facts. The Alabama Branch of the Susquehannock Tribe, Church of Spirituality was extablished, according to them in 1984. They are neither Federal or State Recognized as an Indian Tribe and never will be. They do not even come close. The Federal Recognition consists of a Tribe that has been in the area with a political, cultural, and social base since the 1700's. The State Recognition varies, some state since the 1900's due to the Removal Act. This makes this group, and the one in Flordia not eligable to sell any goods as Indian made. It would have to be Indian Style. They may be listed as a Church not only because of their affiliations with this Universal Life Church group, or for tax purposes. I cannot find that they are a 501c3 non-profit group. The Susquehannock as a Nation and due to their circumstances in the 1600's were unable to maintain their culture and traditions. They were taken into other Nations. Unfortunately as a Nation they cease to exist. It looks a pretty shakey claim. But someone else may have something to add. Enclose sites for Recognition status.  Hope this helps a little .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 09:16:04 pm by frederica »

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2008, 09:18:43 pm »
Yes this is very helpfull, thank you!

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2008, 10:20:14 pm »
The totem pole on this page:     

Has got to be the UGLIEST one I have ever seen!