another white woman cashing in!!!

Robbie Warren, Otter Woman Standing, has been blessed with unique insight and connection to the Spirit World.
Robbie Warren, Otter Woman Standing, has been blessed with unique insight and connection to the Spirit World. Her gifts have come naturally and been developed and nurtured by surrounding herself with amazing teachers and Medicine People … Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow (Picuris Pueblo – Ute), Sammye Jo Harvey, Mother Moon (Chippewa Cree), Jeanne White Eagle (Cherokee), John Perhson, Marcus Ambrester -Whispering Elk, Teresa Hutson , Gogo Charles (Sangoma), Candy Barbee – Fire Bear and many other powerful Medicine People.
Over the years these people have recognized and encouraged Robbie on her Medicine Path. It has been an incredible journey including the Sacred Lands of the Eastern and Western Band of Cherokee, the Lakota Badlands and the Black Hills, the land of the Pueblo Indians, and the Sacred Land of the Zulu (Sangoma) in South Africa. Robbie has taken part in and led Sacred Ceremony around the world and continues her travels and Spiritual Journeys of learning and healing.
Robbie has tremendous creative energy and a sincere desire to seek cooperative partnerships. She has a talent for using her inspiration to uplift those around her. Robbie takes pleasure in the richness of all possibilities and wants everyone to live life to the fullest. Another exceptional gift is her ability to perceive how people limit their growth. Robbie can help others break old patterns and gain new perspective on what is holding them back from receiving the fuller life they long for and deserve.
Spiritual Mentoring/Counseling
Spiritual mentoring/counseling taps into the power center both within the client and counselor. Giving a voice to this Source within, Robbie can aid clients in hearing the messages in their heart, supporting them to take action and effect changes from that place of inner strength. We all have an inner guidance system that knows what’s best for us and can support us to be on purpose in our lives. Just listen for that voice and understand that it has merit equal to and complementary to cognitive thoughts. With attention to the Spirit realm while listening closely to each client, Robbie can access valuable information in the form of intuitive connections, inklings, visualizations, and thoughts that may seem to “come from left field.” Then, without attachment to outcome, she can offer this information as a catalyst to support the client in shifting and then taking action.
Shamanic Journey
A journey is the near-universal basic method of the shaman to enter non-ordinary reality for problem solving and healing for individuals. It is one of the most powerful methods used by Medicine People to explore the hidden universe otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. In the common method for journeying Robbie will meet and study with your own individual spirit helpers in non-ordinary reality, to restore spiritual power and health, and to help heal oneself, others, and the Planet.
Power Animal Reading
Medicine People believe that everyone has power animals – animal spirits which reside with each individual adding to their power and protecting them from illness, acting similarly to a guardian angel. Each power animal that you have increases your power so that illnesses or negative energy cannot enter your body. The spirit also lends you the wisdom of its kind. A Wolf spirit will give you Wolf wisdom, and lend you some of the attributes of Wolf.
Tapping into your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides, Robbie will invite your Power Animals to reveal themselves to you.
Medicine Reading
Medicine Reading is more about healing the person than curing a disease. Traditional healers aim to “make whole” by restoring well-being and harmonious relationships with the community and the spirit of nature, which is sometimes called God or the Great Mystery. This healing is based on the belief that everyone and everything on earth is interconnected, and every person, animal, and plant has a spirit or essence. Even an object, such as a river or rock, and even the earth itself, may be considered to have this kind of spirit. This practice is aimed to find and restore balance and wholeness in a person to restore one to a healthy and spiritually pure state.
Drum Healing
We are made of light, sound, energy waves. That’s why we resonate to sound and why sounds are so healing for our emotional and physical bodies.
The drum brings the physical and mental side back in touch with the spiritual and emotional. When we connect back to Mother Earth’s heartbeat, the healing & balancing that we need comes easily. The heartbeat can help release stress, tension and anxiety. It provides a deep state of relaxation. It improves mental clarity and increases your level of physical energy and mental concentration. Therefore it aids in good physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
House Cleansings & Blessing
Many times heavy energy (energy that is not ours) can get trapped in our homes. Sometimes this happens before we lived there, or it happens when there are arguments or even when guests leave their energy behind. This manifests in uncomfortable feelings in the home or un-restful sleep. When Robbie cleanses the house, she is also blessing the house which opens the energy channels for additional healing. She uses sage, sweetgrass, cedar, drums and/or rattles during this ceremony. On the rare occasion, a follow-up visit is required. In the same way that occasionally you may need to wash a shirt twice to remove a stain.
Releasing Ceremony
Over time we can become stuck in our lives and on our paths, and there are times when we need to let go of these things that are keeping us stuck. The Releasing Ceremony is a ritual or process to become aware of and release what is unwanted in your life and to create an intention for the future.
To release something from your life, the most critical part of this process is to DECIDE to let it go. It doesn’t matter if you feel it is outside of your control to do so. It doesn’t matter if you can’t yet see how it will even be possible. A friend of Robbie’s always says “You don’t have to know what’s in the garbage to take it to the curb”!
Stone & Crystal Healing
We are in the best state of health when energy can freely move through us. Our teachers call this “Clearing the Hollow Bone.” In other words, we are the hollow bone through which Spirit flows. When that energy is blocked or stuck we experience dis-ease both on a physical and spiritual level.
In this teaching, the stone people are our oldest relatives, the ancestor’s ancestors. They have been around since the beginning of time. They are the wisest of the wise. That is why we call on them to help clear our energetic and physical bodies.
Through ancient wisdom, Robbie lays the stones on the physical body, moves them as needed and listens as they reveal cellular memories. The body can then experience a level of healing.
Contact Info
Phone 704-904-4953