Author Topic: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn  (Read 70184 times)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1458
She seems to neglect the fact that this thread was started in 2012. Since she has an account here I don't know why she's not addressing any issues she has here in the forums unless she is completely aware of her dishonesty and has nothing to say to clarify any of the documentation presented.

Right, this profile's email confirms her identity:

Mother of a Wolf
Posts: 0 (0 per day)
Date Registered: February 12, 2018, 12:00:32 am
Last Active: February 13, 2018, 11:58:32 am

Spots of the Fawn
About the book
About the Author
Spots of the Fawn Blog
Places that unlock the mind and unleash the spirits.
Spots of the Fawn
Photos Courtesy of Alyssa Adisi Waya; The Running Wolf Collection

The Facebook link in there yields this result (to me, at least):

Sorry, this content isn't available right now
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.


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I don’t think you understand what I mean. She thinks I wrote and started this because she clearly can’t read past a 7th grade level. Even though the date clearly says 2012 this post was started. I had nothing to do with this post starting or continuing but she sure seems to think I do. In met blog that I linked in my second post my name, my maiden name and my moms maiden name are attached to it somehow. So when you google search my name now and click on her blog it slanders my name left and right.

You say she’s mad at you guys but she takes everything out on me in her blog and Facebook posts. I had nothing to do with this to begin with and haven’t written a thing until yesterday. She is effecting my lively hood and me getting a job up here with those lies attached to my name. But I know that’s what she wants. She was jealous of me from the get go. I’m a strong independent woman who doesn’t pretend to be someone I’m not. I take care of myself and kids and am more successful then she will ever be in life because my whole life isn’t based off lies, manipulation and using people for possessions and money.

Just read her blog and google search my name and you’ll see what I’m talking about. But just in case anyone is wondering I was married to her son and we just divorced last month because of her crazy lies and antics. But it’s okay. She saved me from a lifetime of agony and control. So thank you Alyssa but the slander needs to stop now. Before I get really mad and I’m not thinking she willl dig the outcome.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1458
Where she slanders me […]

I don’t think you understand what I mean. She thinks I wrote and started this because she clearly can’t read past a 7th grade level. Even though the date clearly says 2012 this post was started. I had nothing to do with this post starting or continuing but she sure seems to think I do. In met blog that I linked in my second post my name, my maiden name and my moms maiden name are attached to it somehow. So when you google search my name now and click on her blog it slanders my name left and right.
Just read her blog and google search my name and you’ll see what I’m talking about. […]

I understand what you mean, and I found your name mentioned a dozen times on the page you linked to. I guess there is little or nothing people in this forum can do about that?


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I guess what I’m asking is for someone to clear my name is all. I am not the person she should be mad at nor did I start this thread about her being a fraud. I mean now I see right through all the stories she was telling me about herself and family and I feel bad for people who feel they need to live a lie and pretend to be someone they clearly aren’t but destroying an innocent persons reputation and slandering them is where I have a problem. She has no facts to back up anything she said about me in her blog. Her son and I never divorced until June 4th, anyone can look that up on anchorage courtview, having an extensive criminal background is also false. I have one thing on my record that was dismissed back in 2004 and besides having a few speeding tickets I haven’t been in any trouble with the law.

So before she goes around trying to point fingers at people saying they are being mean and lying maybe she should show some proof of her accusations since you guys have shown proof of her being a fraud.


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I guess what I’m asking is for someone to clear my name is all. I am not the person she should be mad at nor did I start this thread about her being a fraud. I mean now I see right through all the stories she was telling me about herself and family and I feel bad for people who feel they need to live a lie and pretend to be someone they clearly aren’t but destroying an innocent persons reputation and slandering them is where I have a problem. She has no facts to back up anything she said about me in her blog. Her son and I never divorced until June 4th, anyone can look that up on anchorage courtview, having an extensive criminal background is also false. I have one thing on my record that was dismissed back in 2004 and besides having a few speeding tickets I haven’t been in any trouble with the law.

So before she goes around trying to point fingers at people saying they are being mean and lying maybe she should show some proof of her accusations since you guys have shown proof of her being a fraud.

My suggestion is to work with an attorney if at all possible.

You could ask Ms. Barlow to remove all mention of you. If you try this, write your request knowing that she may easily make it public. She might not answer and she could choose to post even more problematic claims.

Keep copies of everything. Keep any evidence of reputational damage.

You can also work to bury false information by providing positive information. Social media, blogs, a web site - you can generate material that presents you in a good light.

Personally, other than maybe making a formal request to have material removed, I'd probably steer clear of her. Unless I had attorney assistance.

Offline chiquitta

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Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #65 on: August 01, 2018, 05:10:34 pm »
Sad really that a grown woman cannot see that this thread was started back in 2012 when I assume her son had not married this girl that Alyssa feels threatened by!  She has now tried to publicly blackmail this girl because of public information, next thing you know Alyssa will send Google a threatening message as well!

This is her newest addition into her "SPOTS OF THE FAWN BLOG"

To date: 7-15-18

Brianna, I would like nothing more than to remove this post.  I received your emails and will not respond privately to you. Go back to the Native site and genealogy site and remove your words and that of those you solicited to post on your behalf. Your words and actions, as they stand now, will affect my family for generations to come.  It is for that reason alone, this post remains.  Your battle was never with me, or my family, it was with my son.  I understand this is a difficult truth to face and you have both suffered. This post will no longer serve a purpose when this is accomplished.  It will be removed with honesty and integrity, as then, it will be the right thing to do.
I would like to add that her Facebook fans...all 1800+ are beginning to see the real Alyssa and now she is blocking them because they are beginning to call her out on her fraudulent behavior and passing it onto an innocent child. 
Well, Alyssa, this person you are directing your anger towards did not know you in 2012 but then with your shape-shifting and time travel...maybe she did!  LOL

Offline chiquitta

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Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #66 on: August 24, 2018, 05:03:04 pm »
Well, I am happy to say that Alyssa Adisi Waya no longer has a "Spots of the Fawn" website.  It has been completely removed, as it should have been a long time ago.  As for her other blogs and slander, they have all been removed.  Maybe next time she will not be so quick to misjudge people in that nobody likes a fraud. 
Thank you to everyone that assisted in finding out the truth and putting it out there for all to read! 

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #67 on: August 24, 2018, 08:14:58 pm »
Good to hear the sites are down. This personal page is still up on FB, with the fake Cherokee name and various nuage ramblings:


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Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #68 on: August 25, 2018, 03:38:31 am »
Currently the registrar expiration date is 2019-08-05.

Created 2017-08-05
Updated 2018-07-29

The home page of the site can be accessed here
but the "about the author" and blog are no longer available.

Her Facebook has either been radically edited or she has changed her privacy settings.


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Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #69 on: August 26, 2018, 01:23:17 am »

A special thanks to those "modern" researchers who have gone before. 

Freddy Silva, for his deep understanding of "power places." His book, "The Divine Principle," has been a profound influence on the study of sacred sites. You will hear his voice often woven within my own.

Graham Hancock, for his studies on altered states of consciousness; his book "Supernatural" has become a touchstone. 

The late John Burke; for his scientific studies (physics and agricultural sciences) on power places and their influences on crop yields. And to fellow author and researcher Kaj Halberg.

Andrew Collins and Greg Little, respectively, for their studies on North American  "Path of Souls" mythology depicted within the book "The Path of Souls."  And a heartfelt thanks to Andrew for his book "The Cygnus Mystery."

William F. Romain; for his published studies of anthropology, archaeology, and cognitive and religious aspects of ancient North American peoples.

To Grandpa Den, who imbued me with a love and respect for the land, my own indigenous heritage, and all things spirit.

To Dustin Naef, author of "Mount Shasta's Forgotten History and Legends," for his life long friendship and support.

And to Tim MacSweeney, fellow researcher and friend, who continues to share his findings from the Northeast on the mysterious rock wall networks that span the continent.

And to all the land holders and those minds with a greater understanding than my own, who so generously quickened a spectacular experience I will never forget; my heartfelt thanks. The multiple sites are privately held, therefore can never be shared physically with the general public.  It is for this reason my book "Spots of the Fawn" and this website have been created. 

Freddy Silva is himself a fraud. One of many examples: he sells "crop circles resonance cards" that he claims can heal cancer and other illnesses.

Offline chiquitta

  • Posts: 16
Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #70 on: October 18, 2018, 01:44:52 am »
Well, lookie who’s trying to get her fraudulent blog back up running?  I just cannot wait to read it!  So exciting!

Looking at the view counter many more people have discovered the real Alyssa!

Offline Sparks

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Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #71 on: October 18, 2018, 02:23:23 am »
Well, lookie who’s trying to get her fraudulent blog back up running?  I just cannot wait to read it!  So exciting!

Looking at the view counter many more people have discovered the real Alyssa!

Both sites show only this:

We're under construction. Please check back for an update soon.

How or where do you see a view counter?


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Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #72 on: October 18, 2018, 11:49:21 pm »

How or where do you see a view counter?

Here on the NAFPS forum each subject has its own "Replies/Views" listing. For instance this thread currently has 71 Replies, 10372 Views.

This is a listing of views count, so it qualifies as a view counter. More views  = hopefully more awareness of what Alyssa Barlow is doing.


Chiquitta: Thanks for telling us about this

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1458
Re: Alyssa Barlow AKA Alyssa Alexandria AKA Adisi Waya & Spots of the Fawn
« Reply #73 on: October 19, 2018, 02:53:18 pm »
Thank you Piff, i know about that. My question was a misunderstanding.

I imagined chicuitta could somehow see how many visitors there were to those new Spots of the Fawn sites.

But of course, chicuitta was referring to the present thread at NAFPS when referring to "the real Alyssa".

Offline chiquitta

  • Posts: 16
Well, Alyssa is back at it.  Coast to Coast radio show has her biography claiming she is First Nations, cherokee, yurok...etc. 
she just never learns!