Author Topic: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian  (Read 48543 times)

Offline A.H.

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2008, 09:38:13 am »
Congratulations on the book and Fulbright - respect!

And while you're in Sulawesi/Indonesia don't be shy to "appropriate" / enjoy their rich traditional music of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural origin... It is almost avant-garde contemporary in its sound and style.


Offline C_from_Wpg

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2008, 04:11:13 am »
Congratulations and thanks for all the work you have done on this site.
You are a courageous person.

I will look for your book in the local book store.  I have an uncle who is a veteran and
I'm sure he would like to read it -  if I find it, I'll buy two!


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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2008, 07:02:10 am »
- removed by author -
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:30:00 am by nighthawk »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2008, 04:45:52 am »
Hello from Makassar Indonesia everyone. I'm finally back to having regular net access again and will try to get back to being a regular contributor again. Was travelling quite a bit, San Antonio to Singapore to Jogja (Jogyakarta) and finally to Makassar, where I'm teaching at Hasanuddin University or Unhas as everyone calls it. They have me as a regular lecturer in both the History and English departments, plus a whole bunch of guest lecturing and advising and mentoring Indonesian students who'll be coming to the US as Fulbright Scholars. I'm especially hoping to see how many Torajas (the local tribe) I can help find and send over to study.

It'll take me awhile to catch up so anyone whose emailed me please be patient. I also might start a blog about teaching over here.

Offline shining_path

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2008, 09:02:10 pm »


Barnaby's note. This dweeb is now banned. It's probably John 'Never Airborne' Martin again. If that's you John, and if you're really concerned about lack of teachers in Indian schools, why don't you train as one? Oh, you don't know how to turn off your caps lock. Probably not worth applying.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 09:59:17 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2008, 12:38:11 am »
What a strange and very sick screen name for the racist John Martin to choose. Yet it reveals so much about him.

The Shining Path were some pseudo revolutionaries in Peru with some Nuage tendencies, a fake claim of being heirs to the Incas. They were also violent murdering butchers, killing thousands of NDN peasants who refused to join them. They especially targeted NDN activists. So Martin is saying he'd like to murder us all.

Martin seems to, once again, be too lazy to read previous posts. But I will answer the question because it gives me a chance to talk about the Fulbright, which does so much good work for so many.

Many great NDN scholars have been part of the Fulbright. My mentor in my Master's program at Purdue, Choctaw professor Donna Akers, studied and taught in Thailand. Cherokee and Choctaw writer Louis Owens (The Sharpest Sight is hist best known book) also was a Fulbrighter.

Like most NDN professors, we go where we are needed, or interested, or find work, and don't restrict ourselves to just tribal colleges. I taught many Native students at Arizona State, St. Phillip's, and San Antonio College. And I teach many students now who are from the Toraja tribe.

Martin's beloved white supremacist David Yeagley never taught at a tribal college. He worked a single semester teaching a single class as an adjunct for Oklahoma State before getting himself fired for trying to indoctrinate his students and claiming he represented the official university position, turning an Intro Humanities course into a place for him to rant on his twisted pseudo version of "patriotism." As far as I know, Yeagley did not teach even a single Native student, or no doubt he would have bragged about it.

So why doesn't Yeagley work at a tribal college now? Because he's unemployable, except as a paid token for the far right. And Comanche Nation College in particular has said they don't want him, just as the rest of the tribal govt has also, and the Comanche Nation Museum, Business Committee, etc, etc. And the Comanche people themselves rejected him in the elections, where he got humiliated by receiving only 1% of enrolled voters.

Martin and Yeagley are probably frustrated that Yeagley's attempt to suppress my book and intimidate my publisher failed so miserably. Yeagley hired a lawyer who threatened a lawsuit over what they falsely claim was "libel." I briefly compared Yeagley to Ward Churchill in my book, both people with dubious claims of being NDN so they can be tokens for the far right and far left.

The problem was, Yeagley's counsel was a bankruptcy lawyer who didn't know the first thing about libel law. The University of Nebraska Press counsel did, and everything in my book was factual and rigorously researched. So Yeagley hired a second lawyer, who was not much more competent than the first. His new lawyer made some really bizarre mistakes, like claiming Yeagley never cowrote articles with fellow racists when the articles are widely available online. Also, that pointing out someone is of a different race than they claim is not "libel" except in the imaginations of racists. Their case fell apart almost instantly and didn't do anything except cost Yeagley retainer fees to lawyers who couldn't do a thing to stop the book. And my book is still widely available and has been bought by university libraries across the country. Like most academic books, we sell mostly to libraries not individuals.
Getting back to the Fulbright, one of the things I'm doing over here is trying to help as many Indonesians as possible get advanced degrees in the US. This includes students from Indonesia's tribes, who make up about a fourth of the population here, Dayaks, Bataks, Papuans, and Torajans. Right now they have me mentoring eight Indonesian students who want to be in Master's or PhD programs in the US. This includes two in heathcare, a mining engineer who want to study environmental science, two economics students (including one who studies poverty reduction through microfinancing), two agriculture students, and one studying how to improve fishing yields for fishermen without depleting the oceans.

Like most NDN scholars or professors, I became one to do what I can to help my people, and any and all people, including tribal people worldwide. I do what I can, unlike Yeagley, who does all he can to harm NDN people, and other tribal people he insults and abuses by calling them "darkies," preaching hatred.

So go ahead, Martin. Tell me I'm a terrible person. See how many believe you. You just make yourself and Yeagley look worse, not me.

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2008, 01:57:04 am »
What a strange and very sick screen name for the racist John Martin to choose. Yet it reveals so much about him.

I was also baffled and wary that someone claiming to be Northern Cheyenne would choose such a name. At best I figured it was a crazy Nuage imposter, at worst... uh, yeah.


the Fulbright, which does so much good work for so many.

I have an ex (who's still a good friend) who's a Fulbright scholar. Without the Fulbright, many scholars who are academically gifted but financially struggling would never be able to get their degrees.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2014, 10:52:52 pm »
I figured an update was long overdue, almost six years. Obviously my time as a Fulbright Scholar is over and done, a great year I had over there.

Since then I've been teaching at Northern Virginia Community College, coming up on five years. It's one of the best community colleges in the country. Check your old news items, Obama has come here twice, each time they had something related to education they wanted to speak on. (No, never met him. There's obviously a long list of people who wanted to, all much higher up than me.)

Also just finished my third book. The second was Survivors: Family Histories of Surviving Colonialism, Genocide, and War. It's a collection of essays from students that I edited and wrote background for.

The third one is Presidents' Body Counts: The Twelve Worst and Four Best American Presidents Based on How Many Lived or Died Because of Their Actions. It ranks presidents based on their human rights records. There's a long list of sites that discuss the book, so some people may be drawn to the forum by that.

I may as well satisfy anyone who came here looking for information on me, including the ones hoping but always failing to dig up dirt, and so they spread yet more rumors. I've always been very open about who I am and what I do.

Hopefully that's enough. I don't think the rumor mongers have ever managed to harm me in any way. No one with any sense has ever believed them. (And my students are always pretty amused by how insane and ludicrous the rumors are.) It just gets tedious answering questions about them.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Fulbright Scholar and Published Historian
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2016, 09:22:54 pm »
Another update after a few years, and a bit of shameless self promotion.

Book number four A Proposed New Constitution is out a few weeks now.
Book number five is a few months away from being finished. A biography, Ira Hayes: The Meaning of His Life in Native and White Memory.

Also, I just got promoted, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor. So much for that failed campaign to get me fired.  ;D