Author Topic: 'Siyo!  (Read 17342 times)

Offline Amy

  • Posts: 1
« on: November 11, 2005, 04:47:11 pm »
Hi everyone. I'm sorry I posted before I officially introduced myself. Well my name is Amy. I'm from Tennessee. I'm uncarded Cherokee descendant (yeah one of those :D). I'm currently taking language classes and history classes and so on to learn about the Cherokee to try and fill in the blanks from what little I've learned from my Grandma. So that's me. I just came here because there are so many fake Cherokee and fake Cherokee groups out there and I wish i could help in some way to rid Tennessee of such groups and individuals. Dats about it.


Offline Synapsis

  • Posts: 12
Re: 'Siyo!
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 12:35:25 am »
Hay Amy!!

i am kinda new here too---well as far as regestering a handle (which is phony), as opposed to using my real name as a quest. See now isn't that weird.

Anyway i thought it was funny that when i started to do a little more research on the subject i posted here---i pulled up you two posts;action=display;num=1130563070

the reason i thought it was one of those funny coincidances is that this group and so far as i can tell this "Blue Panther Keeper of Stories" are from...yep you got it tennessee.

So anyway--i thought maybe we could put our heads together and see what we can see. I sure do love happy accidents---and i never introduced my self--and sorry for hyjacking you thread here.

you can e-mail me at my user name on that one is Sigmond Fraud ? he he heee

(and my newest logo is bad_doggy.con)

i used to use SisterCyeOtay---but my mom would not send me e-mail there---see but my cheerahonkey name is sister cyeote sets you up!!

i have a few more made up names too but my real name is sylvia lee w.


silly me---sorry bout hijacking you thread ;-}.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Synapsis »

Re: 'Siyo!
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 11:48:19 pm »
Blue Panther,
He's from Alabama. ? Is a self-proclaimed keeper of Stories. ? Last week a friend invited two of my friends and me to her group. ? Blue Panther had joined and had been posting his collection of stories. ? Some of these did not go over well. ? They were very fraudulent. ? One of the members of this group is an apache and was very upset over the posting of stories this man said was apache and had very little resemblance to anything he'd been taught. ? One he called an apache story "Grandfather Stone".
Needless to say, we confronted him and asked him about where he had permission to do this. ? First he said he'd been taught by a cherokee elder woman in a medicine lodge in OK and she had given him his name and permission to tell the stories. ? LOL. ? My friend confronted him with the fact that he is a CNO member and no cherokee would give a person the name of blue anything. ? Then he denied it. ? He denied calling himself keeper of stories, but he had used that to sign his stories on the group and was BUSTED in a lie. ? He denied knowing anything about Manataka and his connection to them. ? BUSTED. ? We posted one of his stories from there with his little moniker of Blue Panther, Keeper of Stories. ?
Five years ago he asked someone’s advice about collecting stories. ? She is a Cherokee (member of CNO) and advised him against doing so. ? He has not gotten any permission from an elder of any federally recognized tribe to be posting any of the stories. ?
Five years ago this same woman met him and his live-in woman, Little Mother. ? She told she was Cherokee/Cree and had no upbringing with the Cherokee people and knew nothing of their ways. ? At that time, Mr. Stalvey told her he was not Cherokee. ?
We are putting the word out to everyone we know about Manataka and about this man. ?
Real name is David Stalvey. ? He also goes by the moniker of Climbing Bear. ? Just a few of his groups: Yahoo: Native_Playpen, ? Ucan Tribal web page, ? Native Village, ? First Nations Stories and Legends Archive and 4 MSN sites ? Keeper of Stories, Keeper of Stories 2, Remember The Cherokee/ Tsalagi, and

William Graywolf