General > Frauds

Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"

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critter - a white non-ndn person:

--- Quote from: sky on February 08, 2011, 06:23:07 pm ---
--- Quote from: educatedindian on February 06, 2011, 07:59:15 pm ---And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.
--- End quote ---

This has been turned over to the police.  The original communication will not be posted publicly as the matter is being investigated by law enforcement.

--- End quote ---

Thanks!  Good to know!  :)

thanks Sky for the info. It's amazing that people who think they know how energy works don't understand that sooner or later curses just bite the hand that make them, especially when the people they are directed at wish the perp no harm whatsoever, which we don't. You have to be very careful when wishing something on another, even enlightenment, lol. When it comes back around it might not come in the way you like.  It's universal law that what goes around comes around. They don't seem to even know the basics.

ty Maria for the post, where Kiesha says: “It's going to be a large cleanse, and I don't wish to say this with any intention of creating fear or anything else but let me explain to you, the listeners who might not understand the way energy works and this is just a universal law. ......"

It's amazing that these people evoke universal law when they so flamboyantly disregard its workings themselves.

Well, if the people "who have low energy, who are doing things that go against human law, who go against the heart law" will be cleansed away... For me the human law means respecting other people's ways, so think that the "one truth" people who judge all the "outsiders" have it harder...

Part of me still wishes that I'd see some sign of compassion and respect from Kiesha's side too, because this business really makes me worried. More there is this "you have no free will" thing going on, more I feel sick about it and tbh, occasionally I am REALLY worried about the people who are still following her, still like some of those people, altho they have made decision not to like me because of me not agreeing about Kiesha.

Kiesha really knows how to use the guilty trap and the way of the old testament, "if you aren't believing in one TRUTH/God, you will be removed/go to hell/terrible revenge will be upon you". I thought we got over that part 2000 years ago and with this millenium I almost believed that there was some potential to go to more gentle, accepting, respectful ways... But guess we are back in "those not in this faith are filthy and deserve to be punished" -thing as usual.

Maybe I just have too vivid imagination, when taking it so seriously. I am not sure on what scale Kiesha & co. are manipulating people and to what ends, but when watching more things coming in the light every day, I feel sick about it. It is relatively easy to manipulate masses, if you have no moral code (or completely own moral code of "everything to me, no matter who gets hurt"). I have got some more personal info about KC too, which is somewhat irrelevant to her doings as a "shaman", so wont make it public, but stories I heard is just one more example that she herself uses people without much remorse... narcistic child kind of behaviour, love for the one who lifts me up, as long as they wont demand anything or ask questions...

If not letting my imagination to go crazy, I'd say it is all about money and easy life... but since it is done in "spiritual" scene, it is hard not to let doubts about cultish agenda, with some more vicious plans, to surface. So I "hope" that she only uses people as wallet fillers.

Hi Guys,
First post in a long time. There's a spirituality/new age magazine over here in the Netherlands called Happinez. The magazine is basically OK, I have a few issues at home someone gave me. But this month has an article on a woman called Kiesha Crowther, who is obviously selling sweats, crystal ceremonie etc. In the article she claims to have been initiated by Sioux Indians. Of course she doesn't name the elder or the rez. Anyway, does anyone have any more info about her? We should be able to refute the Sioux claim.
I might write the magazine a letter about this article. By the way this is her website:

Hi, 60 pages of thread on Kiesha Crowther are here

For a summary I recommend Dr. Al Carroll's article:


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