Author Topic: Natives Speaking on Other Tribal Traditions  (Read 4448 times)


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Natives Speaking on Other Tribal Traditions
« on: April 18, 2007, 01:10:59 am »
I am against racism full stop; - to whomever it is directed, Native Americans, Africans, Gypsies, Australian Aborigines, Saami, Asians, us Karelians you name it.   Racism is not on !

I am against exploitation full stop; - be it physical, emotional, spiritual you name it.    Exploitation is not on !

I agree 100% what Moma Porcupine says here:
It is like people think Indians aren't real , that indiginous peoples don't have a real culture , that Native people don't know their own culture well enough to be able to authoritively say "that is not true" and that Native people aren't real enough to know what is right within their own Spiritual traditions , and protect this from corruption.

But why is it, that NAFPS here has European right-hand-men (Barnaby) to dictate how other indigenous peoples should and shouldn't speak.

And why are comments like that of The Norse Goddess of Love, Freija allowed:
To compare the attempt to protect the true Native spiritual traditions to the Swedish occupation of!! (I think we were pretty good at colonizing Turtle Island, too....yet none of the rightful landowners in here have in any way been disrespectful.)

So the systematic actions of the Swedish rule to totally eradicate our indigenous language and culture was OK. then; - because we weren't "real".

For further enquiries, facts and data please contact:

Why is it that grotesque remarks about totem etc. beliefs are allowed to put down other Native cultures ?

Well I suppose you real natives of NAFPS can slap yourself happy and laugh yourselves silly about other Native cultures, for I guess we are not real to you either !

I am totally disgusted !

And to think, that I have always considered you being for "native causes" .... I better think this one again !


« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 03:38:54 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Natives Speaking on Other Tribal Traditions
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2007, 03:42:25 am »
Well, you seem to be doing exactly what you accuse us of doing, as well as what we criticized several Casteneda-ists for doing. All these have been asked and answered many times in several threads, but you continue to sidetrack yet more threads and refuse to listen when we answer.

And now you seem to have left in a fit over some imagined non existent wrong.

Anyone interested could simply do a search for her name and see how these questions were already answered.