Author Topic: Leon Cuauhtonal - Teocali Quetzalcoatl Native American Church - allegedly  (Read 14127 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526

The deer is highly regarded by Native Americans as the most sacred of all animals.  It’s power comes from its Heart and the qualities therein:  gentleness, stillness, grace, love and compassion.  It is though the Heart that we are able to enter the World of Ancestors and communicate with the Creator.

In the Native American Church (NAC), deer medicine is taken as a sacrament in order to open the Heart, so that we may receive guidance, inspiration and communion with the Great Spirit and Ancestors.

Though song & storytelling, Leon Cuauhtonal, will share his knowledge, experience and insight into Deer Medicine and the traditional tipi ceremony of the Native American Church.  Topics to be addressed, include: 

*  History of Hikuri and how it came to form the basis for the Native American Church

*  Elements that make up a traditional NAC tipi ceremony

*  The use of sacred instruments and their purpose

*  Ceremonial conduct with regards to social, physical and spiritual etiquette

*  Understanding projection & movement of energy within ceremony

*  How to work with Deer Medicine and apply its teachings to your daily life

*  The role of Sacred Songs

*  Offerings

…And the Importance of Gratitude and Forgiveness

Energy Exchange-$20 With Pre-Paid Registration-$25 At The Door:

Matakuye Oyasin, (We Are One)

Hope to see you there!


Meryl Vandana Brinin

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"Energy Exchange" LOL another newage euphemism for paying for something

also see
Winter Solstice Healing Concert: Sacred Songs & Rhythms Of The Native American Church with Leon Cuauhtonal & Special Guest Ittindi Bijii
Category:  Event
Date:  Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Address:  SAT Center 126 Park Avenue, East Rutherford, NJ
Cost:  $30/online $40/door
Winter Solstice Healing Concert: The Sacred Songs & Rhythms of the Native American Church with Leon Cuauhtonal & Special Guest Ittindi Bijii
The drum is a sacred ritual instrument. It is the living pulse of the spirit and its sound has the power to span the universe. The drum connects us to the heart of the Earth and Sky, honoring the sacredness of the Air, Fire, Water, and Land...and provides a passage back to the heart of who we are. Let the heart beat of the drum and the gentle voice of Leon Cuauhtonal guide you on a magical journey of Becoming...Allow the sacred sounds and rhythms to wash over your body and uplift your soul, as you emerge from the chrysalis of winter and re-birth yourself into the Light.
Leon Cuauhtonal is a Mescalero Apache Roadman from the Teocali Quetzalcoatl, a federally recognized chapter of the Native American Church. In his NAC deer medicine ceremonies, he unites the traditions of his Ancestors with the heart & spirit of the Huichol. He is also a sundancer and sacred pipe carrier who leads traditional temazcal (sweat lodge) purification ceremonies. A highly skilled artist and visionary musician, he harnesses and channels the awesome power of his spiritual experiences into every aspect of his artistic expression - blurring the line between ceremony and art. His latest creation, Cuauhtonal Musical Dance Theater, captivates the spirit, arouses the senses and celebrates life through the heart beat of the drum.
Exchange-$30 On Line/$40 At The Door
Visit & send on line payment to


There are indicators that the organiser of these events, Meryl Vandana Brinin (Meryl Vandana), may be linked to some extremely nasty people I have posted about here before.  I need to go back and firm that connection before naming it here but in the meantime, I am interested in Mr Cuauhtonal .

Seems he was running sweats in 2009
Spring Equinox Celebration Event, March 20-21, 2009
There will be a traditional Sweatlodge Celebration to welcome the new Spring Equinox at The Shangri-La Garden Playa Del Carmen.
Leonel, is a indigenous priest in the Olmec tradition. He will be leading the Temezcal ceremony on:
Friday March 20th, at 6pm to 12pm in the Temazcal at the Garden
Saturday March 21st, at sun-up, about 5am there will be a Fire ceremony lasting to about 12pm.
all are welcome to attend with RSVP.
Cost is: 400.00 Pesos
and 300.00 Pesos, for Shangri-La Members.
On Sunday, there will also be a Traditional Northern Native American Church ceremony of the Toecalli Quetzalcoatl which is semi-private that will serve as a cleansing of the space and healing imparted by Leon Cuauhtonal, a North American Indian of the Mescalero- Coahuiteco Apache tradition.
Love Donation: 300.00 Pesos
If you would like to attend contact us at:

anyone know anything about this guy?

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526

There are indicators that the organiser of these events, Meryl Vandana Brinin (Meryl Vandana), may be linked to some extremely nasty people I have posted about here before.  I need to go back and firm that connection before naming it here but in the meantime, I am interested in Mr Cuauhtonal .

We have a definite link to Ashram Shambala / Universynergy Arts / Aharata re this lady

I will say more about it on the Biven Mamonta thread

She has hosted a number of events with "Master Perun" and is also running the typical workshops on discovering your inner goddess.  Whether she is a player or being played (or both) is not something I have the resources to know but the link is definitely there. 

Offline educatedindian

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The deer is highly regarded by Native Americans as the most sacred of all animals.  It’s power comes from its Heart and the qualities therein:  gentleness, stillness, grace, love and compassion.  It is though the Heart that we are able to enter the World of Ancestors and communicate with the Creator.

In the Native American Church (NAC), deer medicine is taken as a sacrament in order to open the Heart, so that we may receive guidance, inspiration and communion with the Great Spirit and Ancestors.

Though song & storytelling, Leon Cuauhtonal, will share his knowledge, experience and insight into Deer Medicine and the traditional tipi ceremony of the Native American Church.  Topics to be addressed, include.... 

*  How to work with Deer Medicine and apply its teachings to your daily life....


Leon Cuauhtonal is a Mescalero Apache Roadman from the Teocali Quetzalcoatl, a federally recognized chapter of the Native American Church. In his NAC deer medicine ceremonies, he unites the traditions of his Ancestors with the heart & spirit of the Huichol. He is also a sundancer and sacred pipe carrier who leads traditional temazcal (sweat lodge) purification ceremonies.....His latest creation, Cuauhtonal Musical Dance Theater, captivates the spirit, arouses the senses and celebrates life through the heart beat of the drum.
Exchange-$30 On Line/$40 At The Door
Visit & send on line payment to


Quite a confused jumble he claims. Start with the semi Aztec name. I've never heard of a Mescalero last name like that, and it's also the name of his Aztec-style dance troup. Seems to be combining Cuahtemoc, the last Aztec leader, with tonal.

Apaches do have deer medicine, but it's nothing like he describes. Deer medicine is what some men traditionally used to attract women. And the expected side affect... you would always be poor.

I've never heard of an NAC group with all these Aztec trappings. He also uses the Nahua word temazcal for sweatlodge. Aztec and Mayan sweats were somewhat different. They used permanent stone structures and in some ways was more like a sauna.

His partner seems to be just a musician. The promoter is yet another Reiki master doing an incredible hodgepodge of claimed healing.

Offline earthw7

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He uses the Lakota words but mis-spelled them and it is not correct translation-
Matakuye Oyasin, (We Are One)

Then he uses the Kiowa word AHO!

In Spirit

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Thanks for the replies. very interesting

Apaches do have deer medicine, but it's nothing like he describes. Deer medicine is what some men traditionally used to attract women. And the expected side affect... you would always be poor.

This is a fascinating bit of information, you learn something new every day!

Re this guy's hat, those are bird of prey talons, not sure from which species, an owl possibly?  Here in the UK all raptors are protected by various wildlife laws - is it the same in the US?

Offline debbieredbear

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Yes it is. Native people may get an eagle permit to have eagle parts. I have a non-Native friend who had a hawk feather in his car, given to him by an ex-girlfriend, and he was fined for having it.

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Seems to be combining Cuahtemoc, the last Aztec leader, with tonal.

It's actually a combo of Cuauhtli which means eagle and tonal which means day, but most new agers use it as energy.

Offline amorYcohetes

  • Posts: 71
He also uses the Nahua word temazcal for sweatlodge. Aztec and Mayan sweats were somewhat different. They used permanent stone structures and in some ways was more like a sauna.

This topic has come up before in at least one other thread.

Offline educatedindian

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Re this guy's hat, those are bird of prey talons, not sure from which species, an owl possibly? 

I don't know if those are owl or not. If so, a traditional Apache sure wouldn't wear a hat with owl talons. Owls are omens of bad luck, esp that someone close to you may become gravely ill or even die. Like I said before, whether he has ancestry or not, he seems to be following some kind of imitation of alleged Aztec beliefs.