Author Topic: Fake & Would Be Tribes in Arkansas  (Read 18553 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Fake & Would Be Tribes in Arkansas
« on: December 14, 2005, 03:04:37 pm »
Reposts from yahoo group American Indian Alliance. Thanks to Dave and Fredericka.

fredericka bickel <Bickel98@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  8:43 am
Subject: Arkansas  
I called myself looking at Arkansas's status, and I
cannot find much, but I may be missing some. I do not see a BIA office. Enrolled people can always work through this. All I see is a couple of Indian Business Corporations or Tribal Corporations. I am guessing but I would think to establish something for Health, Education there would have to be a State Indian Commission. This can be difficult. Have to have legislation approval, and that is a very difficult process. There have been a couple of States that have these, and they are not always successful. And these are not State Tribes. Getting the legislation is one problem, the budget another.

Another large problem which no one likes is establishing 'who is an Indian'.
As usual, there is a lot of fighting, but it has been
accomplished if someone is willing to spend the time and effort. First, meet some Arkansas politicians. Blanchard is one, can't remember her first name. She is usually sympathetic to causes. frederica

Dave <dafydd7916@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  9:58 am
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] Arkansas  

Arkansas has a fairly large American Indian
population, the majority being along the border with Oklahoma. Theses families mostly are members of the Cherokee Nation, and travel back and forth. Other locations within the state have members of tribes from all over the nation who have moved here for employment or schooling. One pretty much has to travel to Oklahoma for anything. My children used to travel to the NDN clinic in Jay, OK. For medical care.

There is an American Indian Center in Little Rock,
which is a joke. It’s suppose to provide employment
and training assistance. But, all they do is meet with a client at the local state employment office and have the client use that office for help.

The state legislatures are fairly ignorant of the
American Indian. We are trying to educate them, but it’s a long road. They have been bamboozled by some local wannabe “tribes??? that have sprung up in recent years. The same with our Congressional members, who a couple of years ago touted OIE grants to 21 school districts with no American Indian students. These grants were pushed by a wannabe “tribe???, the “Lost
Cherokee of Arkansas and Missouri???. We contacted the OIE on this, and eventually the schools were notified that they were not eligible. The “tribe??? went into hiding. However, there is still concern that the OIE mismanages it’s grant application and approval process.

There also has been attempts to establish state
recognition for some groups, but not one of these
groups even comes close to meeting a legitimate tribal definition.

As far as state commissions go, the Tennessee
Commission on Indian Affairs is having a terrible time with the wannabes. One group as threaten to sue them if they don’t let anyone who wants to be an “Indian???.

Unfortunately, the wannabes are stirring up so much trouble and creating problems that real NDN problems cannot be addressed.

fredericka bickel <Bickel98@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  10:36 am
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] Arkansas  
Yes, I remember the mess in Arkansas with the "tribe", but never knew what became of it, except for the Tribal Court. There was questions of misuse of grant money and strange or illegal adoptions. This does make it a lot more complicated. What I remember is that the splinter "tribes" were originally from Missouri, and
members were from many States, not necessarily from Arkansas. frederica

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Fake & Would Be Tribes in Arkansas
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2005, 03:08:10 pm »
fredericka bickel <Bickel98@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  12:51 pm
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] Re: Arkansas  
LOL, Carl Whitaker is another, aside from being a pain in the neck. He started the so-called Border Patrol in Tennessee. He is targeting most Mexicans. He says illegals, who he relates to drug traffic. He has been in more scandals. The Oneida donations and so on. I believe National AIM even sent a letter to the Nashville paper discounting him and his escapades. But nothing seems to stop him, he just goes off in another direction. frederica

--- littlefeatherspirit66
<littlefeatherspirit66@...> wrote:

> Southeast coast, not sure who that was but there is > Carl Whitaker > of Tennesee. He is now running for governor as a > republican and
> part of the minutemen saga. The other platform he > was running on was > with some independent party that wants to get rid of
> any treaty with > any sovereign nation. Land rights etc. total > anti-Indian.
> --- In,
> Cloud Family
> <yakama@p...> wrote:
> >
> > It has become an insane situation. Wasn't there > some politician> with a big
> > anti-Indian stance running as an "Indian"
> somewhere on the> southern east> > coast?
> >
> > A big part of the problem is that there are so
> many of the newbie> Indians> > who talk about being Indian and these are the> people generally
> heard. True> > Indian people don't bother to tell the world that> these are fakes> so the lie
> > continues. If anyone dares to challenge their
> claims to being > Indian, the> > fake/wannabe starts crying around. The end result> is a very
> distorted view> > of who is and is not an Indian or what it means to> be Indian.
> That is> > probably why there are so many really weird Indian> internet> groups. But it> > is just the flavor of the month. Some new idea> flavor will come> along and> > these folks will then move on. Maybe it will be> space aliens.
> > Margaret Cloud

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Fake & Would Be Tribes in Arkansas
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2005, 03:11:44 pm »
fredericka bickel <Bickel98@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  12:41 pm
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] Re: Arkansas  

oh yes, that is the name. Quite a history she has.
Wondered how that came out, but not surprised. She seems to be pretty shrew. I knew about the mascot, there is a couple of groups that ASU has their support. I know a while back someone told me that they gave office space to a group as long as they did not protest the mascot. I had heard Barbara Lindsey was claiming to being Western Cherokee. They are on Sourcewatch. I think she is dangerous, Scholl to me is more of a manipulative confidence person. But you have to be wary of both. frederica

--- littlefeatherspirit66
<littlefeatherspirit66@...> wrote:

> Fredericka,
> Are you talking about the Western Cherokee of
> Arkansas & Missouri> (WCN) with Lola Scholl?
> That case went to court and from my understanding> she won because> the group was an incorporation which left her all> the rights to
> anything considered to be "legal" within the group.
> That group has now split, one based in arkansas
> (lola scholl) and> the other based in missouri(summers).
> One of the two are also trying to give approval for> the Indian> Mascot Family at Arkansas State to be changed from> the Indians to> the Western Cherokee Indians so ASU can keep their> mascot.
> WCN is also the group who Barbara Lindsey was a> member of, do you> remember who she is? Barbara Lindsey is the> executive director for
> the one and only, ONE NATION, Oklahoma.
> Alot of these groups(not necessarily WCN) have been> accessing other> grants besides the OIEP, such as ANA. This is what> really chaps my
> behind! Instead of all these people who possibly
> have some ggggg-> granny who is Indian help Indian Nations win> sovereign issues they
> instead form their own tribe and fight US! Selfish,
> very selfish
> K. Wesho-Bauer

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Fake & Would Be Tribes in Arkansas
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2005, 03:17:51 pm »
Dave <dafydd7916@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  2:09 pm
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] OIE  
One disconnect with OIE is that a few years ago they sent a delegation down to a pueblo and raked them over the coals for the school including an Indian heritage program, threatening to pull all funds. Yet the are completely CYA in this instance, and refuse to be proactive in dealing with the schools involved.

We are not letting this issue drop. ANA is another
agency that we have contacted on giving out funds to non-Indian groups (one is connected to William “Blue Otter??? Anderson - for those of you who are familiar with him). ANA is also in a CYA mode, refusing to answer direct questions.

You can help us with OIE if you can come up with any info there on OIE funds requested, received, reduced down from original application, or denied. I need a good data base to show where NDN schools are hurting.

Dave <dafydd7916@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  3:55 pm
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] Arkansas  

I think you mean Blanche Lincoln. She's one of those bragging about schools with no Indian students receiving OIE funds to replace "lost state funds". Which, by the way, most of which went to computer labs. She also has paraded around in photo ops with one of our wannabes. Still, we will work on her.

--- fredericka bickel <Bickel98@...> wrote:

Politician's name is Blanche Lambert, sorry, I said
Blanchard. Wish I wasn't so bad with names. But she is pretty helpful if possible. frederica

Dave <dafydd7916@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  7:54 pm
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] Re: Arkansas  
Hi Al,
Go right ahead, as far as I'm concerned. If anyone
has specific questions (or has information) about a
group or individual operating in our overall area
AR/KS/MO/TN/OK, they can contact us at
aihsc@... - Dave

fredericka bickel <Bickel98@...>
Date: Mon Dec 12, 2005  9:02 pm
Subject: Re: [American_Indian_Alliance] Re: Arkansas  
I have none Al, I might be wrong but the Lost Cherokee in Ark were raided by the Feds over misuse of grant money. frederica

Re: Fake & Would Be Tribes in Arkansas
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2006, 08:33:33 pm »
Got this one about Carl Whitaker.  

Native American Indian Movement / NAIM (2000-03)
aka National American Indian Movement
Carl 'Two Feathers' Whitaker, "Principal Chief"
240 Hardin Lane, Sevierville TN 37862, 865/ 908 2441

Has been asked to not use the "American Indian Movement" name by National AIM and Autonomous AIM but refuses to comply.
Has been asked to substantiate his claim to Indian blood but refuses to respond.
Was a self-proclaimed 2002 political candidate for governor of Tennessee but refused to fully and truthfully answer questions from the Native American community about his background.
Unknown source of income - but bankruptcy debt disappeared.
Is considered a fraud and a liar by Native Americans outside of his group.
William Graywolf