Author Topic: Axiational Institute, Many Walks People, Walter Koehler/Rev Chief Soaring Eagle  (Read 8678 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Full name of the group is International Axiational Melchizedek Institute. This is a branch of Perrona AKA Drunvalo, a fraud with a ver far reach.

The Rev Chief's partner is JoLene White Buffalo Spirit Woman. Women claiming to be WBCW are multiplying like rabbits.

They will make you a priest for the low low price of $243.

Here's an account of them destroying local rock formations on national parkl lands to build their Nuage version of the medicine wheel. See p 200. They also destroyed the habitats of small animals.

I am Rev. Chief Walter Soaring Eagle Ph.D. My friends call me Soarin...
....since the early 80’s. In that time I have been ordained a Priest, Minister and a Holy Man and was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Metaphysics.  In August of 2005 I was named, Chief of "The Many Walks People”. I have Cherokee ancestors although I am the only one of 100 relatives who has honored our ancestors and walked in a Red Road way. With the Two Feather Medicine Clan I have been a SunDancer and a Pipe carver. As well, I carry a Sacred Pipe and Drum which I have also been trained to make.     

As a Priest with the Holy Order of Melchizedek I am called Cepheus Melchizedek. Some things that I write are under this name. This aspect of my higher self offers a more universal point of view. The Melchizedek Method of Axiatonal Alignment is the means by which I heal and in which I have trained over 1000 practitioners...

In the late eighties I spent 2 years with Chief Little Summer. He was Hawk Clan Chief of the Shawnee Nation. As his protégé he asked me to carry his teaching out into the world and share them with my brothers and sisters. Some of these teaching are what I have termed The “Shamanic Kundalini” And “Chakra Light Manifestation”...

Grandfather Hollis Littlecreek was my elder teacher from 1990 – 1998. He was born on the Red Lakes Reservation in Minnesota. Anishinabeg is the name of his tribe, with Chippewa being a band name given by immigrants. Grandfather Hollis helped us create a Red Road Village in Sedona, Arizona, during this time. He showed us how to live as a village. He trained many of us to carve the red stone into Sacred Pipes and to make the Sacred Drum. Hollis passed to us the teachings of the “Sweat Lodge” or “Stone Peoples Lodge”. Grandfather has left us for now. John Armbruster lead our ceremonies and created the Schnebly Hill Medicine Wheel.  I would keep the fire for John. When John left Sedona to teach, I was put in his place...It was I who gave us the name "The Many Walks People” because we have come from all walks of life, races and beliefs to walk the Red Road.

Soarin as he likes to be called is of Cherokee ancestry and was named Chief of the Many Walks People at an Elders Gathering in the summer of 2005....He is noted for building the “Sedona Medicine Wheel” which was completed in 1993. If you are in Sedona, you are in this Medicine Wheel. His research culminated with the “Physics of Ascension” which earned him the Degree of Doctor of Metaphysics in the fall of 2000.

In 1992 he was ordained a Priest in the Holy Order of Melchizedek. Today he has trained over 1000 healers in the “Melchizedek Method of Axiatonal”. This is believed to be the same method used by Jesus or as he is know in the Melchizedek Order, “Sananda Melchizedek”...

JoLene White Buffalo Spirit Woman is of Cherokee/European descent... She studied under Hanna Kroeger. 

...She continued her journey with extensive studies in Religions, Power of Prayer, Ancient Wisdom, Sacred Sites, Native Americans, Earth and Solar Energies, Dowsing, Healing Stones and Crystals, Angels and Archangels, The Glaltic, Starseed, Lightbody, Kabbalah, The Tree Of Life, Melchizedek Axiatonal, Shamanic Kundalini, Charka Light Manifestation, Physics of Ascension, and many other... 1993, when she and one of her sisters went on a cross country trip, destination Sedona, Arizona. The day of their arrival they were lead to a Native American Encampment, where she first met Grandfather Hollis Littlecreek, her native family and life companion Rev Chief Walter Soaring Eagle, he trained her to carve the Sacred Pipe and she walks with the Sacred Pipe and Drum. She is one of, The Many Walks People, A Rainbow Warrior, Earth Keeper, Light Worker, Star Being, Ordained into The Holy Order of Melchizedek...

...Certified in with Angelic Beings of the Emerald Green Realm. She is a Certified Melchizedek Axiatonal Practitioner...


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His name is Walter Koehler born 1954 , she is Jolene Corbett, they live in Palm Bay, Florida.

We are currentlly hoping to help the world awaken by producing a TV show on Hypno-Past Life Regression with a team of investagators who will hopefully prove reincarnation. We are working with Bishop Lyons Entertainment on this project and could use some investors.

(from his Facebook account Walter Soaring Eagle)

The Rev Chief's partner is JoLene White Buffalo Spirit Woman. Women claiming to be WBCW are multiplying like rabbits.
<-- I think a comedic script needs to be written using this idea, acted out, filmed, posted online.

Offline Superdog

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Walter has a youtube channel.
Several vids of a workshop and one completely hilarious video of him singing:

In this video he claims to be singing a "Hopi" song taught to him by John Kimmey (  Actually he calls it a "Hopi Hippy Oldy".  In reality, it's a beginner attempt at a peyote song with english words.  He tops it off with a "Aho Mitakuye Oyasin" at the end.  Just makes you wanna grab that poor drum away from him....



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Walter claims that one of the many indications that he is special is because a woman gave him a medicine bundle that originally belonged to Sun Bear.

Walter got the bundle, had visions, moved to Sedona, did ceremonies and medicine wheels, including:

During that ceremony the Black Race was welcomed back into the Sacred Hoop of Mankind (several members of the Black Race were present to accept this honor). This Medicine Wheel was then invoked to activate and awaken the DNA of anyone who would pass through it (this Medicine Wheel circles all of Sedona and all roads coming and going). He also declared Sedona the Homeland for the Tribe of the Phoenix.

In his Cepheus Melchizedek persona he made a video in 2010:

Cepheus Melchizedek shares this vision that relates to the 12/21/2012 Galactic alignment and the ascension of humanity. However this vision is about an event that will happen on 12/21/2012 at 12/21 AM/PM and in all time zones.

But the video has been taken down,would love to find a copy of that.

Offline educatedindian

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I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Koehler. Koehler is a PODIA who is completely out of touch with his heritage and grasping at so many things. He's been taken in so many times himself, seems to be the easiest mark/con victim around:

Laduke/Sun Bear
Even this "Chief Little Summer" who claimed to be Shawnee, but taught "shamanic Kundalini" and "chakra light manifestation." (CLS probably needs his own thread.)  Anyone naive enough to believe those are Shawnee beliefs....

And then there's his supposed Phd in metaphysics.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=d865acc55386e82d&biw=1366&bih=620

As you can see, every last link is either from a degree mill, or warnings about degree mills. There's no legit BAs in metaphysics, much less Phds. Koehler got scammed yet again.

If it weren't for the two of them scamming others by selling "priesthoods" cheap, and doing damage at national parks, they'd be nothing but victims.

Offline earthw7

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Out of touch is being nice :o
Why cant people understand that we dont mix everything up Hopi way
is Hopi way Lakota way is lakota way they dont mix.
Then mix in the Cherokee then it become very laughable
In Spirit