General > Frauds

Charlotte Goodrich AKA Char Sundust

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I would like to offer some points of clarification: I do have Iroquois and Mexican in my heritage. My great-grandfather, Edward Smith, was born in Mexico.
My specific and comprehensive heritage will be reflected on my website. As we know, there are, and were, many who do not enroll in census for their own reasons. My grandmother and grandfather chose to not participate for racial reasons. They also changed their names, which was common practice due to racial issues at that time. I trust my parents, grandparents, and elders in these matters and how they raised me to honor all their ways.
I have integrated and appreciate so much my mixed lineage and honor the spirituality of each lineage joined in me.
I am grateful to have had, and still have, mentors, teachers, and elders whom I deeply trust to clarify and guide me in the most beneficial directions for me to serve well.
Char Sundust

 Since the Iroquois are not a tribe but group of tribes which nation do you come from

Defend the Sacred:
The tribes keep their own records. If someone and their ancestors are not known to the tribe, it means they are either non-Native or their family assimilated so long ago that they are no longer culturally Native. If the tribe doesn't claim you, you're not Native.


--- Quote from: on December 27, 2013, 10:34:16 pm --- As we know, there are, and were, many who do not enroll in census for their own reasons. My grandmother and grandfather chose to not participate for racial reasons. They also changed their names, which was common practice due to racial issues at that time.

--- End quote ---

Char, I have a different view of census than you, I would not use the word "enroll", in my experience censuses are a list of those counted in a specific area at a specific time. Not everyone is counted in each federal or state census, but many are. Census takers are people of their time, some information is inaccurate, sometimes because of the census taker themselves, sometimes because what neighbors report, sometimes because of what the families themselves report.

That said, census can help in genealogy work. They can provide possible pieces to the puzzle.

As Kathryn has said, tribes keep their own records.

You mention grandparents, are you speaking of your maternal or paternal grandparents? If your maternal grandparents are Conrad H Goodrich and Charlotte Irene Guinn, they are both in 1930 and 1940 federal census.

--- Quote ---I do have Iroquois and Mexican in my heritage. My great-grandfather, Edward Smith, was born in Mexico.
--- End quote ---

You know, being born in Mexico doesn't necessarily mean anything other than being born in Mexico. Are you claiming that this ancestor's birth in Mexico means you have more spiritual insight?

Edward Smith, is this a paternal or maternal great grandfather?

Iroquois? Which Nation? Why do you claim any of this to promote yourself?

I notice that Charlotte Goodrich AKA Char Sundust
was active a couple of days after the questions in the previous post were asked (more than five years ago), but she chose not to answer them.

This woman is still very active. The URL of her homepage is now: ["Sundust Oracle Institute"]

Her bio has changed (again) and is now here, which I quote in full with my bolding:

--- Quote from: ---About Char Sundust
Char Sundust is a spiritual director, mentor, teacher, and healer. She provides ceremony for convocations, graduations, and the celebrations and life passages all human beings experience. She has a healing practice integrating ancient and cutting edge technologies so more healing modalities, are available, as all healing begins with the soul. She works with many cross-cultural practices, including shamanism, as there are remnants of shamanic practice on all continents of the world. Char comes from a rich cross-cultural heritage which has inspired her to create programs for people to recover and discover their ancestral root, and spiritual identity and apply these learnings to support a deeply personal spiritual practice that can be applied to change our internal world which creates positive change in the external world. She has developed a program to assist those who want to access their inherent body wisdom and to cultivate and develop and recognize their intuitive nature and body wisdom, and to recognize the voice of Spirit in their own natures. She has developed numerous programs for personal, professional, and spiritual development, including a year-long Leadership and Mentorship course, a program for personal healing and soul work, applied spirituality program, a program for writers, writing as spiritual practice called “flow”, and a couple’s workshop for people in long-term, committed relationships, because we bring ourselves to any relationship we are in.
Char has been the resident spiritual advisor and mentor at Bastyr University and works with IT communities, corporations, businesses, and universities to create an environment of mutuality and humanity where everyone wins. She does one on one mentorships for personal, professional and spiritual development, mentoring individuals and groups to go to the next level in their health and wellbeing creative, emotional, spiritual, and professional lives.
Some of the places her work has been seen and heard are on KEXP, and KZOK, The Jeff Renner show, and Evening Magazine. Also on NPR, in collaboration with Charles Jefferson and her adopted Lakota mom Barbara Means Adams in Iyaye. She also has monthly podcasts that can be found at medicine media. She is the co-author of God, Death, and Poetry with William Whittman and contributing author to Altar-Making. She is an award-winning poet and her poetry can be heard on Thousands of miles with David Close.
Char is deeply committed to the sustainability of nature and attending to the earth’s well-being. She assists individuals in achieving their destinies through spiritual practice and personal accountability. She is a bridge of the many cultural wisdoms we have access to at this time to create tangible, positive change in our internal and external environments. Char comes from a rich, spiritual background. She is grateful for the wisdom and learning passed down to her from her Apache, Mexican, English, Irish, and German ancestors. She also thanks her adoptive mother, Barbara Means Adams who was Lakota-Sioux. She is honored to be a protégé of Angeles Arrien and her work in transpersonal psychology and the four fold way. She thanks all of these ancestors and is grateful for all that has been given her to serve and preserve what is good, true, and lasting.
--- End quote ---

Then she is now on Facebook with two profiles: [Char Sundust] [Sundust Oracle Institute]


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