Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1506333 times)

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #795 on: January 15, 2011, 09:01:46 pm »
I have no idea who does the reading or writing either, but it doesn't change the fact that more I have done my own research about the stuff that she has spoken about in her videos, more I find almost word to word quotes from places, taken totally out of context and mixed with some new stuff.

Well, the reason I think her handlers are researching and writing scripts for her is because
she doesn't come across to me as being sober (or maybe even intelligent) enough to do
all that work on her own. Whereas her handlers probably have tons of stuff they have read
and gone through and know how to incorporate to their own needs.. I just don't see KC
having that kind of diligence.. but more the puppet.. raking in the ego boost and a cut
of the money.

Even seen my own words used couple of times. :p Not sure where she/her groupies would have picked them up tho, so probably just imagining things. It kind of feel weird tho, talking someone about some dream or something and seeing the same thing in her wall half an hour later as "sure proof" about something, that she picked up. :p Guess she and the supporter group are going through stuff people write as well and pick some theories that would probably "sell" to big audience and then the all powerful leader announces that she knows what is going on... who knows. :) Of course like that you get the feeling that she is right, when she talks about something people has just spent little time guessing in their own little groups. Or read from somewhere else.

That's a trick. A tactic. If you want people to fall for you hook line and sinker you incorporate
their own thoughts into the scheme of things. It makes them feel that they were on the
"right track" and they pay more attention to the person they view as an "authority" of it.. the
more you can get a person to agree with you (by using their own ideas/thoughts) the more
they will follow you..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #796 on: January 15, 2011, 09:38:30 pm »
In my case, my ego striked back.  ;D "How dares she use MY thoughts", LOL
But yes, her writing team is pretty effective in probably searching all the conspiracy and spiritual forums and little pseudoscience and put up a nice little bundle where everyone finds something, except those who are looking for the "earthy" wisdom... I like what I have read from the real chiefs and elders, when I have found something authentic... in Kiesha's "message" all that gets twisted. For me at least. It kind of loose all the sense and spirituality, the sacred is gone and the honoring. Hard to describe.

It was fine at start for me, Kiesha's thing, but it really lacks something and started to have this nice wrapper on empty box -thing eventually. I've never felt more lonely than when I based my life around her, computer and this "tribe"... Even tho I lost couple of friends when I decided that I can't be quiet about how wrong the whole thing now seems to me, I still have more "social life" now, REAL life, not just waiting online for conversations, if someone has time for it, and ofc, if you don't ask too many questions or say the wrong things. I was able to activate some of my real life friendships again after I left. I got really antisocial while in the "tribe". It was easier to stay away from "real" interaction with people than deal with their life, pain and problems. You know, change the channel and stay online with those that think alike (altho I think I never quite fitted)... what I really want to learn now is to get connected with tighter bonds to people I care about and get more into the little acts of love instead of hiding and thinking them. :)

EDIT: New tribe forum seems to be up in site and there is new interview posted from spain. Don't want to listen it myself now, just to inform...
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 10:06:04 pm by Saga »

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #797 on: January 16, 2011, 01:38:57 am »
I cannot believe that somebody on the youtube channel is asking crystalbuffalolove for proof!

Quote "@crystalbuffalolove Do you have any proof of? the transactions you made? Receipts, statements etc?"

For anyone else reading this who is thinking of asking crystalbuffalolove for proof...I suggest you get off your lazy backsides and do your own research, to make such a request from a person who has had to summon the courage to make public how she has been scammed is ridiculous and lacking in compassion....where is your love and light now.
Kiesha is a fraud get over it, she won't be the first and she certainly won't be the last

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #798 on: January 16, 2011, 03:02:07 am »
and where is Kiesha's 'proof' ?

She is all talk. Alot of hot air.

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #799 on: January 17, 2011, 12:12:31 am »
Some hopw I missed this one thing that had me scratching my head. Keisha was telling somone that she had taken all the "oaths and vows" to be a shaman. Er, Oaths and vows? ???  Perhaps she was initiated into something and just THOUGHT she was being initiated as a  shaman. Um, can't recall hearing any person ever saying they took oaths and vows for that.  ;)

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #800 on: January 17, 2011, 07:48:32 am »
Crystalbuffalolove left some interesting comments on youtube in response to the person who asked for a proof of her payment:

"yes I do have my credit card statement. you'll see it when i see kieshas proof that she's an indian, that her mother is indian, and that don alejandro acknowledges her, when she gives proof of her statements that she's really related to ninepipes salish elder, the lakota great great great grandfather she said went to hawaii, when she proves? that she is white buffalo as her followers say, when these so called elders come forward on her behalf what else is there? did I miss anything?"

"i don't feel i owe anything to you or anyone. i know good and well how kiesha's followers operate cause i? used to be one of them. don't make me start posting up all the little network of messages from the tribe. i'll expose all the ppl who were down right cruel and the things they said. peace and love my ass. you people are viscious and cold. and yes I am angry you coming after me after i bare my pain here. all i have to say is it shows your 'true colors' tribe of many colors"

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #801 on: January 17, 2011, 03:36:01 pm »

Great quote::

"""People need to wake up and learn that the new age movement is being used as camouflage for countless crooks and con men."""


Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #802 on: January 18, 2011, 12:10:03 am »
Some hopw I missed this one thing that had me scratching my head. Keisha was telling somone that she had taken all the "oaths and vows" to be a shaman. Er, Oaths and vows? ???  Perhaps she was initiated into something and just THOUGHT she was being initiated as a  shaman. Um, can't recall hearing any person ever saying they took oaths and vows for that.  ;)

   I heard that in reality she stumbled into an Eastern Star meeting, and due to disorientation from too many bong hits, thought she was on the rez.

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #803 on: January 18, 2011, 03:36:16 am »
Came across this note from one of her followers, unfortunately it only shows Kiesha's responses:

"**I've removed name** to Keisha Crowther:


just delivering a few messages on behalf of some people who have followed an orchestrated campaign against you who have just discovered who began that campaign, some of he people were leaders posting up links, they have apologised and apparently meant no harm, they were outraged to find out that the salish have never made any statement or video about you after i recommended they call the salish and pointed out a few members of the banking families to them whom im extremely familiar with who they have been in cahoots with unknowingly..ive recommended that the apologies come to you directly but im sure that you have already forgiven them~classy lady..rock on;-)"



"My respect and love *****, I thank you for the things you have done for me in my behalf.. as I have tried very hard not to engage the hate and the lies being spread, I thank you for making a stand in my behalf and getting the truth out there for all to know. I was asked not to respond to the negative and I have tried very hard to ride this wave until the truth would come out and prove my innocence. I also have received an email from the official tribal leaders stating they have nothing to do with the attacks or those behind it. I now have in my possession a official letter from the council declaring this. Again, my respect goes to you sister of light and my thanks for your strength and courage to help me and protect the truth so that the light can go forward and so that we all can rise above. I do give you my deepest thanks and my respect. For I KNOW who you are... and I am humbled that you have come to help me. Kiesha, Little Grandmother"

I also have received an email from the official tribal leaders stating they have nothing to do with the attacks or those behind it. I now have in my possession a official letter from the council declaring this. show us your wares then Kiesha, don't be shy



"Every lie told about me in the malicious and hateful emails spread around can be proven without a doubt about their lies. The misunderstanding about what Falling feathers had told me has been resolved over a moth ago.. and the people who needed to be contacted have and were contacted, the matter was settled with respect and love between us all. There was no hate, not anger but love. I have also been in communication with the tribal people ever since. The hate , lies and allegations do not come from the leaders they come from a group of people intent on spreading hate and they have caught the ear of many.. I have forgiven all who have taken part in this and am concentrating on moving forward in the message I have always spoken.. love and unity.. no matter who tries to take me out for doing so.... Those who have followed and helped the hate and malicious attacks... do some research before jumping on the hate campaign!"

do some research before jumping on the hate campaign!" - we have and found you are lying..FACT

"I have been in contact with the people necessary and our hearts are not in anger. Never have been."

"I have been very careful not to call myself a medicine woman but a shaman, a worldly term and a word that comes from northern Russia.. To use the medicine I(pipe and shirt) with my own medicine on it. everything people have thrown a fit about they have fabricated and made into an argument.. I have had nothing to do with this.. Never have I been contacted by a tribe of any kind under negative circumstances. Never. If you are one who is believing the nonsense. look at who is writing the letters, they are either not signed, no usable return email address or a fraud themselves. they do NOT represent any tribe and their (so called official statements) do not come from the tribal leaders.. I have spoken to them and I have a written document stating the matter from them! I am asking let enough be enough.. I have rode this wave long enough.. I will not be addressing this again or any further.. to those who love the message of love and light.. lets move forward.. to those who follow and believe in hate, malice and anger.. This face book page is not a democracy.. this is my personal face book page.. if you are here in hate.. I ask you to leave. This is a place of love and I will not have it tainted any more with allegations and lies.. Lies only separate people.. and I ask for the tribe of many colors to be a place of love... as always... let this be done with. LG"

If you are one who is believing the nonsense. look at who is writing the letters, they are either not signed, no usable return email address or a fraud themselves. - we have already established this is lies...I myself have addressed Kiesha personally using my own name.



"To the tribe members who have wished me to speak more and defend myself on the lies and attacks.. I thank you for being patient with me.. I was asked not to engage while the names and comments of the attackers were being filed."

"I think we can now relax as.. I have very high people in very high places who are protecting the *light workers with a real purpose* and we have now documentation proving these statements did NOT come from the leaders of the tribes and their statments are proven lies."

"I want to be able to share this with you.. to know that there is great help for those speaking the truth, and for those of you who have supported me and saw me threw this in love and kindness you have past a test in a way.. the wheat was being separated from the shaft.. In the time when those truly in love will be witnessed and counted and weighed against those whose hearts are truly living from the ego and hate will be SEEN.. this is happening now.. be true to who you really are.. ask yourself .. who are you really.. do I really stand for light.. or do I just talk the talk... as soon as something goes wrong do I fight for the dark? I do not make light of this.. WE ALL .. each and every one of us are being weighed and measured.. to see where are alliance really lies... I thank you for standing beside me in love during this trial period.. you can be proud of who you are and that you stood in love in the face of chaos.. Remember, no matter how bleak something looks there are always those very real soldiers of light who are here on this planet protecting us and helping us in very real ways.. If you truly are of the light you will be protected!! they are real, they are doing great works all over the world and they will help when we are being attacked.."




  "...i was being asked to be quiet on the subject and not write about it while eveidence was being gathered.."

Here she goes again with the law suit shizzle




"and luckily i have a very great team, to follow trails.. find names .. even those who do not put their names on the emails of attaks and aligations to those i work for, who have contacted my family, and those whohave put up videos with false authority.. have all been traced and names and addresses gathered.. All is being taken care of in a very big way.. peace is soon to follow!</span> </span></span>"




" we can go back to love and peace!! but i wanted to now make it clear that all is being taken care of.. we have official statments from tribes and leaders and a great team who is very very skilled and this will be handled swiftly and harshly.. to make a stand against eveil, hate and those seeking to feed such things.. it is time for truth and light to make a passionate stand on planet earth! and to all those who stayed in the light threw this.. i say to you.. i love you, i love your souls .. they are truly good and you have proved yourselves well !!"

we have official statments from tribes and leaders and a great team who is very very skilled and this will be handled swiftly and harshly. - we're waiting



"and to ***** thank you for the work you have done.. and for being who you are!! i will not make it public but thanks should be given to those who have made a stand for light and truth.. all my respect and deep love old sister!"

Yes thank you **** for following me despite my many flaws, inconsistencies and lies, now give me your money

"i will not make it public" huh   ??? this woman makes no sense!



"Breathes a long sigh of relief and joy! ***** what can I say? Thank you!"
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 03:40:12 am by luciddreamer »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #804 on: January 18, 2011, 05:28:22 am »
Omg... If anyone sees LOVE and truth in that, they must be out of their minds. All I see is threats towards people who have questioned her and the "evidence" being gathered:
"and luckily i have a very great team, to follow trails.. find names .. even those who do not put their names on the emails of attaks and aligations to those i work for, who have contacted my family, and those whohave put up videos with false authority.. have all been traced and names and addresses gathered.. All is being taken care of in a very big way.. peace is soon to follow!"
"this will be handled swiftly and harshly"
Claims, claims and more claims about how she is the one standing in truth, without any evidence from that and lots and lots of ego stroking for those who believe in everything she says...

Only the ones who believe in her and are, because of that, real lightworkers, will be "protected", is that a subbtle way to say that all the others are goners? And what comes to malicious and hateful emails, I for one have never been malicious or hateful in my emails, I asked her why she claims to be something she is not when the supposed to be good message suffers from that (was before I noticed that the message isn't so good, for me at least).
And then there comes the claims about being in contact with the tribes again... Come on, Kiesha. If you have contact and the papers, show them. If not, come clean. There is no truth or love in message that is based on BS. And to be exact, it is the kind of BS that only helps the ego grow, there is nothing nutritious in it left to nurture the earth. Indeed the time of false prophets...

Oh and the blaming and naming of Dr. Al Carroll continues in many places as far as I know, people are hanging on to that to save their illusion. :(
To anyone who reads this: I have been member here for a couple of months, any of my posts, questioning or not, have not been removed. When I read about the "Al Carroll is a fraud" thing from my fb, I wrote pm saying that and got far more friendly response than from any of the Kiesha's big supporters or from herself (since she rather not answers at all). After that I did my own research knowing that people in this forum has LOTS of enemies that have lost their "livelyhood" or some of it because they have been proved to be frauds... I mean come on, this is not Kiesha Crowther's personal hate group that has been build just to debunk her (unless they had a prophecy about false prophet coming to destroy all the elders have been trying to preserve as well :p). Afaik this group has been there for years.

I would really love to let Kiesha spread her message of love, if she had even little bit of truth left in herself and if she wouldn't try to convince people that her word is the only right way and if it really was about love... seems more and more about something else. Can only ask from the spirit that she sees the light too some day. I am so sad for her and the people who don't look for their own truth but believes hers without questioning. And doing that, attack towards innocent people and at the same time casting away even the message they say they are following. :( I have nothing against Kiesha or any of her followers in person, I just think that they are seriously misguided, by what ever reasons. I don't have to condone the actions tho...

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King Jr.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 01:01:27 pm by Saga »

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #805 on: January 18, 2011, 08:04:04 am »
"I have very high people in very high places who are protecting the *light workers with a real purpose*"

 "and luckily i have a very great team, to follow trails.. find names .. even those who do not put their names on the emails of attaks and aligations to those i work for, who have contacted my family, and those whohave put up videos with false authority.. have all been traced and names and addresses gathered.. All is being taken care of in a very big way.. peace is soon to follow!"

"this will be handled swiftly and harshly"

Sounds exactly like a message of love, light and peace...

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #806 on: January 18, 2011, 03:10:27 pm »
I took the plunge and joined the tribe of many colors forum, I lasted about 4 hours now my IP is banned for "trolling" I cant even get to the forums...LOL All I asked was if  they thought she was telling the truth about a video called "one with nature"...LOL These folks are brainwashed big time...I feel for those poor sheep.

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #807 on: January 18, 2011, 03:33:04 pm »
Early Missionaries here in Canada Called the Medicine people "Shamans"with their main goal to stamp out and destroy the culture and customs and convert them . They waged a covert war and forced the Medicine people underground. I just thought it worth mentioning as this Shows how out of touch and insensitive using that term to describe herself (Kiesha) is.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #808 on: January 18, 2011, 05:16:29 pm »
Thank you to the person who was brave enough to question the authority in this post:

name of poster   Post subject: Re: clarificationPosted: Mon 17. Jan 2011, 20:16  
Joined: Sat 15. Jan 2011, 17:51
Posts: 2  Thanks name and name for your replies

Opening energetically to someone comes with trust, with honesty, with transparency, and with love. This is required from both sides. The message of love has been on this planet for quite sometime.

I have a variety of personal experiences regarding religion and sprituality, my understandings of this place in space and time, and connections with a host of other great and wonderous phenomenon. Before coming into contact with LG I told my husband how I have this huge love for humanity as a whole and knew love is the way of our society.

As I listened to her first video, what drew me most was the amazing story of how she 'became' her tribes shaman. How her tribe recognized her and how she was the fulfillment of this other prophecy. So for me, my heart connected to the indigenous portion of her story. Of how this was the time when they chose someone to speak for them and others.

Does it matter then if her mother never lived on the reservation? Yes. I believe it does. Because while we are all divine, until we realize that, there are certain working concepts in play. One can open the heart recieve information and acklowledge it as true. If then, new data comes through describing how there were false filters that the original information was past through, then the information becomes tarnished and any further information, while needed may very well be disregarded.

I worry. For if it comes to pass many many can be hurt. The heart, while indestructable in its pure light, is still vunerable to great sorrow in its human form. All I can ask is that LG steps forward to clear this up herself rather than having other people do it for her.

 The replies as yet provide no answers other than to simply close ones eyes to any criticism. ALL criticism is seen as negative.

This is a completely different attitude to that of the Dali Lama for instance:

"Each student must be encouraged to take responsible measures
to confront teachers with unethical aspects of their conduct.
If the teacher shows no sign of reform, students should not hesitate
to publicize any unethical behavior of which there is irrefutable evidence.
This should be done irrespective of other beneficial aspects of his or her work
and of one's spiritual commitment to that teacher"
His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Letter to the Sangha on Western Buddhism)

The moderators at TOMC can delete this persons posts if they like. but there will always be a record of it.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 05:18:54 pm by Spandex~Atom »

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #809 on: January 18, 2011, 09:32:52 pm »
This was posted today by the filmmaker who is making a film with Don Alejandro:

Shift of the Ages

SOTA does not know and has no affiliation with Keisha Crowther aka "Little Grandmother." Don Alejandro "Wandering Wolf" does not know or "recognize" her as a "Shaman," "Wisdom Keeper," or "Elder" of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders of the Americas as she claims. Neither Don Alejandro nor the SOTA project authorized use of "Wandering Wolf's" messages or the SOTA video material used in support of the personal opinions she shares in her videos and viral messages. Much of information she is sharing is misleading and "taken" out of context.

SOTA is not here to push anyone else down. The truth will eventually reach the surface. Our prayers are that Mrs. Crowther learns a valuable lesson and she, as well as her team and followers, benefit as result.

11 hours ago

Note - Neither NAFPS as a group, nor I as an individual, have any connection to SOTA. I am just passing along what is posted on their public Facebook page.

[ETA - Adding a screen shot of the statement. Screen shot from 18 January, 2011]
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 12:14:11 am by Kathryn »