General > Frauds

Blackwater Muskogee tribe

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Research complete; needs to be moved to Frauds.

zoi lightfoot:
Thank you,thats all i asked for in the first place,I will leave the main body of the Blackwater to your selves as they are in the States and I will speak with the two here AND the Billingtons.As the Billingtons themselves have some other matters to clarify with the ex pat community.

It's Powwow time in Germany again.

Mvskoke Ocese a-cee we-wau
Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees e.V.
30. & 31. Mai 2009
In Mengen, Landkreis Sigmaringen, Germany
auf dem Gelände des Festplatzes Mengen.
Schirmherrschaft ist die Stadt Mengen i.V. Herr Burgermeister Bubeck.
Pow-wow Organisations-Kontaktperson: Benny & Marianne Auer Tel. 0162-2923763 (Benny) oder Tel. 0173-4305647 (Marianne)

Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees e.V.
12. & 13. September 2009
in Heilbronn-Horkheim, Germany
auf dem Gelände neben dem Steinbruchbetrieb BMK
Anfahrt Horkheim

This Pow-wow is dedicated to
our European host as a cultural exchange of friendship
Special Guests (Subject to change)
Trisha Nell Sokolowski & son Cherokee
Barbara Kaden Wetz Ojibwa
Brenda Volle Ojibwa
Liz Roemer Cherokee-Creek
Linda Lou Flewin Micmac
Rita Schmidt Ojibwa
Lakishia Wallace Choctaw
Larry Wynn & family Lakota
Alan Roy & family Lakota
Willie James Summers Cherokee
Robert Wallace & family Ojibwa
Bryan K McCollum & family Creek
Robert Parker & family Ojibwa
Peter Woener Choctaw-Creek
John Blackbird Cree
Frank Barber Shawnee
Elder Mark Kretschmer
Bill & Antonia Westerfield
Jack & Gabe Weber

MC: Willi James Summers & Mark Kretschmer
AD: Alan Roy & Bill Westerfield
Men’s Head Dancer: Robert Wallace & Jack Weber
Women’s Head Dancer: Lakishia Wallace & Antonia Westerfield
Host Drum: Wicahpi Oyate Drum aus der Schweiz
Guest Drum: Sweetgrass Indian Drum Singers aus Deutschland
Amp & Sound Techniker: Heinz Wellmann

Pow-wow Organisations-Kontaktperson: Benny & Marianne Auer Tel. 0162-2923763 (Benny) oder Tel. 0173-4305647 (Marianne)

Well, this is still confusing.  I don't see TTT/Francis involved but my understanding from the July 18 post that the Blackwater was not a band, rather a Stomp Dance group.  And people had distanced themselves from them as TTT was parading around with the Blackwater Flag.  Are they doing Stomps at Powwows now?


--- Quote from: frederica on March 09, 2009, 01:33:36 am ---Well, this is still confusing.  I don't see TTT/Francis involved but my understanding from the July 18 post that the Blackwater was not a band, rather a Stomp Dance group.  And people had distanced themselves from them as TTT was parading around with the Blackwater Flag.  Are they doing Stomps at Powwows now?

--- End quote ---

I don't know what's so confusing about it. The Blackwater Band of Lower Muskokees is part of the great Wannabe Nation. Nichols, Roemer, and anyone else involved with this group are PODIA's at best, hobbyists at worst case scenario. They do not have the support of either the Creek Nation or the Poarch Band of Creek Indians.

Frederica, where did you get the idea that the Blackwater was a Stomp Dance group? To the Mvskoke, and others, Stomp Dance is ceremony, a special time. To link this group of frauds with Stomp Dance is insulting.

People had distanced themselves because of a couple of English fakes? Well, maybe. Those two are obvious frauds. It's people like Nichols, Roemer, et al that are the real problem. Even though they were not raised in their culture and do not have the support of their Nation, because they have a drop or two of Native blood, they think they have the right to represent Native Americans in Europe. That's the real problem.


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