I don't recall anyone in this thread saying they thought the expulsion of the Freedmen was a just or right thing to do.
Most of the discussion has centered around the tribes right to do it based on sovereignty, and dispelling the charges of racism because of it.
I for one have never said I was in favor of it, or even liked the idea. Most on here would agree that I have argued against the actions of tribes doing similar things based on BQ, corruption etc.
However my argument in this thread does center around the a tribes right to chose it's own membership, just like the tribes have done since before the coming of the Europeans.
The basis of a lot of my argument is that people like the CBC, Watson, and Don are all for stepping into internal tribal business, and doing so with the desire to see the tribe dissolved if they do not adhere to the wishes of these people such as Watson, the CBC etc, when they do not even mention other tribes doing the same thing across the country.
If these people wish to use plenary power, or wish to see it used in the case over a dis enrollment issue of the Freedmen, then by all means be fair and look into or step into the same issue going on all over the country.
There are real Indians in this country who are undeniably Indian losing the right to be who they are, and it takes no research to see who they are; it's clear when you look upon them and see they are undeniable Indian.
So to me in this argument is the hypocrisy of only tackling such an issue by the CBC, who of course are black people themselves, wailing for justice while ignoring the fact that this is not an issue only found in the CNO.
Would men like Don Naconna be up in arms like they are now, if some group in congress of mostly white men, wanted to terminate the Cherokee Nation for dis enrolling the white looking people who had no proof they were Cherokee but were some how members?
I certainly think not.
Until the larger issue of dis enrollment in other tribes is discussed by Watson and their supporters, that I say that is the true racism and hypocrisy in this issue.