Author Topic: Racism from Jerry Monroe thread  (Read 10477 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Racism from Jerry Monroe thread
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2010, 10:05:29 pm »
Too cute Don,
in North dakota we have the germans who live on the west side of the state
and the Norwegians who live on the east side of the state, they are very proud of their culture and langiage. In the middle of it all we have the native people who are also proud of who they are, we do not have many other culture in North dakota. The racism that exist is open and hostile at times the racial terms used on native people are "prairie Nigger" which is something we hear all the time, the stores, bank resturant refuse to serve us and this is what i call racism. The ideal of refusing service to people because of race which is reality for us.

Now as you should know the Civil Rights was establish for the american
but the Native people were left out the civil rights act. That is history.
The americans extablished a civil rights act just for native people maybe
you should read it and also find why the civil rights act does inculde native people.

As a historian for my people I have to check out facts which is something
i really think you need to do.
I would ask that you should never assume any thing
I did not say all germans and norwegians are racist
but here in the dakota we do have those who are racist.
We have had some germans; marry into the tribes here.

To make a general statement about any people is racist.
I don't think you can see what you write as racist
but it is you have decide who is evil without looking at all the evidence
and refuse to see any other view point which make you racist.

Supporting human right? I have ask whose human rights?
It is just your view or is it everyone human rights?
It is the right a for a tribal nation to say who belongs to their nation
the right of group to demand who belong to a peoples nation

As you talk about Canada what are the rights of the native people there?
I find my relatives in Canada fighting for their Human right against the
racist canadan government. I guess it depend on which shoes you are wearing.

The tribe have fought for a long time to retain their people
now we have "Special Interest groups" wanting to tell who and
how we determine our tribal membership which is racist to be with.

As Tribal nation we did not get our nation hood from the United states
we have always been nations
which the United States has acknowledge.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 10:08:09 pm by earthw7 »
In Spirit