Author Topic: Kymberlee Ruff  (Read 60371 times)

Offline James1

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2017, 12:25:11 pm »

I used to work as a therapist, I am the former client, J.S. in the BBS document; Kym's lies about me as her client cost me the loss of my license and livelihood. I have checked with several of the legal team, people representing the legal team with the BBS, and Emily Wada of the Attorney General's office regarding Ms. Ruff's license being Revoked; she is still allowed to practice, but she is on probation for 5 years, has to be in therapy, submit to a psych eval., be supervised, report that she is on probation, remove false statements and claims from her website, pay for the cost of the investigation and her psych eval, and meet other conditions. IF she violates her probation, based on the terms and conditions of the BBS, she will then lose her licence. Essentially, she is "walking on eggshells"; I like to think in terms of "putting her feet to the fire". For  me, it's been a 27 year journey. No one can know what hell my ex-wife and I suffered. We had just gotten married, and we had to leave Santa Barbara, our friends and family, we were broke, no honeymoon, the stress was unbearable and, my wife almost died. But, we prevailed, we are friends, happy, and now, the wheel of Karma is slowly, ever so slowly turning for Ms. Ruff. So, any evidence of fraud, false advertising, any violations of her probation need to be, and should be reported. Meanwhile, to keep her license she will need to pass a psych eval, be deemed "fit to practice" by her therapist, essentially meet ALL of the terms and conditions of her probation. It's poetic; she has been given an opportunity to "lance herself on her own petard"..........

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2017, 12:27:10 pm »
I also filed complaints with LinkedIn and Psychology Today since both still list her as in good standing. Others can do the same.

Just about every other site on her is Nuage. Posting on their sites, in comment sections etc, about her license being pulled can shoot down her claims more than trying to explain to twinks her lies about NDNs.

Thanks for coming forward James, and for all you've done to expose her and end the harm she does.

Offline James1

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2017, 12:52:03 pm »

Thank you for your diligence, and support. I know of several other clients she's harmed, and, who sued her for malpractice and won. I'm glad I took the higher road, I've never communicated with Kym since 1989. I did file numerous complaints with the BBS but they went nowhere, because, as I was to eventually learn from people who knew me, Kym was spreading lies, and told the the BBS that I was a "rapist and child molester". Imagine hearing that. I've never harmed anyone. It was like a knife to my heart, and, worse, I could do nothing to stop her. But now, it's all history; Kym is powerless, worse, the prisoner of a prison she alone has created. I am free, going to the sierras this week, while I get to think of Kym taking that slow, unstoppable ride into purgatory..............

Offline Sparks

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #63 on: April 17, 2020, 01:35:49 am »
I look forward to check if Ms. Ruff's website changes in the near future.

There are no changes as of today. This seems to be the explanation:

I have checked with several of the legal team, people representing the legal team with the BBS, and Emily Wada of the Attorney General's office regarding Ms. Ruff's license being Revoked; she is still allowed to practice, but she is on probation for 5 years, has to be in therapy, submit to a psych eval., be supervised, report that she is on probation, remove false statements and claims from her website, pay for the cost of the investigation and her psych eval, and meet other conditions. IF she violates her probation, based on the terms and conditions of the BBS, she will then lose her licence.

Offline James1

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #64 on: April 17, 2020, 03:06:40 am »

As of this date, 4/16/20, Kym is still practicing. Two years ago I filed another complaint against Kym with the BBS. This time they conducted a full investigation and ruled that: 1. Kym had broken my confidentiality 1989, filed false police reports against me a several other clients (one of those clients prevailed in a lawsuit against Kym for Fraud and Malpractice), she also committed fraud on her website, and that she "intentionally meant to cause harm to her clients'.
The document on the BBS website can be found here:
I was horrified to see that all the BBS did is put her on probation, and levied several other sanctions, and, has allowed her to CONTINUE TO PRACTICE.
I wrote the BBS and Emily Wada regarding the continued harm she could/would perpetuate against her future clients, but, they did not reply. I also wrote a letter to Kym outlining the list of harm and damages she caused me, asking for an apology; no reply. In my opinion, the damage and harm that Kym has perpetuated, and the fact that the BBS allows her to continue to practice, highlights how broken and dysfunctional the system really is. Worse, that the BBS is tasked with the responsibility to protect the welfare of the community; they have failed miserably. The BBS also took my license based on the heresy statements Kym had made, this came out in the end, however, no one ever apologized to me for their huge travesty of justice and violations of my right to due process. I felt I gained some closure, and with that, I was able to put it all behind me and get with my life. As we know, these injustices happen all the time, and the only thing we can do is acknowledge that the system really is very broken, and, make our choice to be happy in spite of it all.   

Offline Flower

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #65 on: June 15, 2020, 11:17:26 pm »
Hi Everyone. I was directed to this site when I reached out to a friend about the damage I believe Kymberlee is doing in the therapy setting. I have personal experience with her. She isolated people who are going to her for help with their issues. She fosters dependency on her, and provides harmful guidance. I have watched her slowly and methodically make two people very close to me, worse. I've watched them become more isolated, more closed off from their family and friends, and more dependent upon her, paying lots of money to see her multiple times a week. After 10 years, when your therapy is not helping someone, a good therapist refers out. She is really a terrible and twisted person. I read the entire case for which she was sued, and found guilty resulting in her current probation. I filled a complaint with the Bbs as well. She is very manipulative, and rather than create a safe space for people to address their issues, she pits people against each other and creates an environment of shame and makes threats. Once I dug further and saw that she was claiming all this total bologna about her son being the link between prophecies, are you kidding? That is such a crazy thing to say. Equally crazy is her saying she uses gift of the "Cherokee dream walker" in her therapy. I don't think you are allowed to provide therapies like this to clients, especially ones already struggling to get mental and emotional help. The last thing anyone in her "care" needs, is to be convinced she is some spiritual prophecy keeper, authorized to share a message. Is she lying, or does she really believe she is actually part Cherokee? Her parents/grandparents, per the Census, are listed white. She is full of it.  I have never posted on a message board in my life. When I was directed to this, I immediately made an account to share what I know. Any info anyone has to help me in my complaint and get my loved ones the hell away from her would be awesome. Thank you all.

Offline James1

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #66 on: June 16, 2020, 12:28:21 am »
Flower, to all of you who have posted regarding Kym Ruff.

In the recent decision by the BBS that Kym committed 8 violations, including Malpractice, I am the client named "Jim S." I filed my complaint for the 20th time, this time I won. I am going public with all of you. Yet. as we all see, Kym was placed on probation, supervision, and continue her tyranny of hatred, deception, narcissism, and sociopathic behavior masked as a therapist.  I wrote Kamala Harris, the Governor, the President of the BBS; shocked they they have sanctioned Kym to continue to cause harm, using her license as the cloak. Allowing a live bomb in the neighborhood, and, they put a camera on the bomb (Kym is being supervised, which means nothing) So, instead of removing the bomb, they will have a camera on the bomb, and know when it blew up. I am stepping up to provide information and support. I was a therapist, and a client of Kym. When I confronted her for Breach of Confidentiality, she called the BBS immediately, I didn't know, told lies about me to protect her license. The BBS came into my practice and took everything from me. Imagine. I live in Ojai, CA. you can reach me at: or (805) 403-4785. This insane woman needs to be stopped, NOW.
James Smallwood

Offline James1

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #67 on: June 16, 2020, 12:56:34 am »
To All,

Kym is violating the terms of her probation. This would be enough for the BBS to pull her license.

We need people to step up; names, what happened, violations on her web page.

Mabye a group lettre to the BBS President, Kamala Harris, Attorney General, and Govenor.

In 1989 when Kym lied about me as her client, to protect her own license, the BBS came into my practice and took MY license.
I lost everything. However, in the recent BBS ruling, the BBS admitted she did in fact break my confidentially in 1989. However, they never apologized for their huge blunder, or violations of my right to due process.

Jim Smallwood
(805) 403-4785

Offline Sparks

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #68 on: June 16, 2020, 03:03:05 am »
Her website … as of today, almost six weeks later:
Licensed Psychoterapist
Since 1986

I had to enter the text in that quote manually, because most of the front page is a PNG file shown below. (I have archived it with today's date to my Mac in case it disappears from the Internet.)

Shouldn't this be reported to the proper authority in CA? [IMAGE WITHHELD IN THIS QUOTE]

I now realize that the image shown is not static, it will change if there is a change on the site linked to. That's the way it was in 2017 (I checked my archived, PDF version), and that's the way it looks right now. However, it will change according to whatever happens to be the image on that front page in the future. (I hope someone can make a screenshot and post it here in this thread, that's beyond my technical skills.)

Defend the Sacred preserved another, very different version of that front page in 2013. Look at the first picture here:

just look at her website:  (Sorry, the website won't allow me to "cut and paste" and I don't know how to do a screen shot).

Screen shots attached :)

All the other pages at are marked "Kymberlee Ruff, MFT © 2013".

Her claims about Native American ancestry were quoted by Autumn in 2013 (check that post):

Kymberlee has updated her website.  If this is not profiting from her claims and using them in her therapy practice, then I don't know what is:

They seem identical as of today, except this short page, which now reads:

Kymberlee Ruff here again. In the last 15 years I have studied extensively the wisdom of the Native Americans and integrated into my practice. My grandfather was Cherokee and I inherited the gift of "Cherokee Dream Walker".I was also adopted into a Hopi family in 2006.

[Photo caption: "Kymberlee Ruff and Native Wisdom Teacher".]
Kymberlee has studied the Peaceful Ways of the Hopi with her adoptive Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma.
Here is an article about the Medicine Wheel and Psychotherapy in PDF format: Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel

The sentence I bolded has been added. For other changes, compare Autumn's quote in 2013.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #69 on: June 16, 2020, 03:45:58 am »
I now realize that the image shown is not static, it will change if there is a change on the site linked to. That's the way it was in 2017 (I checked my archived, PDF version), and that's the way it looks right now. However, it will change according to whatever happens to be the image on that front page in the future. (I hope someone can make a screenshot and post it here in this thread, that's beyond my technical skills.)

Since I downloaded the whole site both in 2017 and right now, I looked inside and found that the file name is "ruffsitecut.png", and it was created on December 9, 2015.

Offline James1

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #70 on: June 16, 2020, 12:54:34 pm »

Shouldn't this be reported to the proper authority in CA? [IMAGE WITHHELD IN THIS QUOTE][/quote]

I now realize that the image shown is not static, it will change if there is a change on the site linked to. That's the way it was in 2017 (I checked my archived, PDF version), and that's the way it looks right now. However, it will change according to whatever happens to be the image on that front page in the future. (I hope someone can make a screenshot and post it here in this thread, that's beyond my technical skills.)

Defend the Sacred preserved another, very different version of that front page in 2013. Look at the first picture here:

just look at her website:  (Sorry, the website won't allow me to "cut and paste" and I don't know how to do a screen shot).

Screen shots attached :)

All the other pages at are marked "Kymberlee Ruff, MFT © 2013".

Her claims about Native American ancestry were quoted by Autumn in 2013 (check that post):

Kymberlee has updated her website.  If this is not profiting from her claims and using them in her therapy practice, then I don't know what is:

They seem identical as of today, except this short page, which now reads:

Kymberlee Ruff here again. In the last 15 years I have studied extensively the wisdom of the Native Americans and integrated into my practice. My grandfather was Cherokee and I inherited the gift of "Cherokee Dream Walker".I was also adopted into a Hopi family in 2006.

[Photo caption: "Kymberlee Ruff and Native Wisdom Teacher".]
Kymberlee has studied the Peaceful Ways of the Hopi with her adoptive Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma.
Here is an article about the Medicine Wheel and Psychotherapy in PDF format: Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel

The sentence I bolded has been added. For other changes, compare Autumn's quote in 2013.

Offline James1

  • Posts: 9
Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #71 on: June 16, 2020, 03:49:27 pm »
To Sparks and All regarding Kym Ruff,

Kym is making false claims.
She is also supposed to inform clients she is on probation.

She is violating the terms of her probation which is cause for the BBS to take her license. PLEASE FILE YOUR COMPLAINTS with the Board of Behavioral Sciences. You can get the complaint form and instructions here:

Here is the link to the BBS:

Here is the link to the form:

Thank you,

James Smallwood

Offline James1

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Re: Kymberlee Ruff
« Reply #72 on: July 03, 2020, 06:59:46 pm »
Hello All,
Just to reiterate, I've known Kym since 1989, when I was a client. I was instrumental in the recent BBS rulings against her for having comitted 8 violations including Fraud. What is obvious is Kym has fabricated a whole history of having Native American ancestry, etc., etc. The reason is because her real life and family history is absolutely horrendous. It so happens that Kym was originally from Hawaii, and, that HER FATHER WAS A MOB BOSS FOR THE HAWAIIAN MAFIA. I believe this is where she learned the sociopathic, narcissistic, and monstrous ways she treats her clients. I would invite any one of you to follow up. I happen to know this because I learned quite allot about Kym from my own investigations and from a former co-therapist of hers who used to facilitate therapy groups with her. So, Kym MUST stick to her fabricated life; the truth is way too unfathomable for her to even deal with.
James Smallwood